Actual Cuckold experiences problems with practicing "the lifestyle"

33  2017-08-08 by I_want_Forbin


What kind of problems could a cuckold have? Their life is already one huge problem.

Lol... keep reading

Jesus. I almost feel too bad to even laugh about this...


You feel bad for this faggot? If your dick is so small you can't satisfy your woman, you buy two enormous dildos and plug either of her holes until she soaks the mattress. You don't call Derrick the local stick up kid to come give her aids. Fuck this faggot.

You don't call Jamal the stick up kid to come give her aids.

I laughed pretty fucking hard at that.

I meant more for the being raped in the ass part. And I said almost.

maybe it was just honest mistake.

maybe he and his wife have similar body type and Jamal was too high. Lights were probably dimmed too.

He dindu nuffin

Yes he deserved to be raped in the ass andyou should be light years away from almost. 🤗

You feel bad for this faggot? If your dick is so small you can't satisfy your bitch, you buy two enormous dildos and plug either of her holes until she soaks the mattress. You don't call Jamal the stick up kid to come give her aids. Fuck this faggot, he deserved it.

In between stints of going to jail for falling asleep in the getaway car.

It IS hard to laugh with an erection

I think those faggots write this shit as fantasy stuff. To really portray themselves as useless maggots.

Summary-- a wife had to comfort her crying husband because her boyfriend raped him.


cool story bro

Damn. I'm crying many salty tears...

This comment is so much funnier if you read it in a really thick gruff russian accent with that muttley wheeze laugh after

No it isn't.

So Sherrod raped Opie? That explains why they haven't been as close lately as they used to be.

dassabesso... jussahold em down n fucken...

"MY wife has broken up with him and will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him never to contact us and not lay a finger on me again."

Sure, that's what she's going over there for. To give him what-for for stickin' it in your butt. Definitely not to fuck him. What a pathetic weiner.

Yep, there wont be any weird dominant chemistry between those two, & she'll return not-limping with utmost respect for her guy!

I used to think the nasty sexual jokes Norton used to make on the air were just crude and farfetched but the older I've gotten the more vivid and realistic his weird shit becomes.

People are dogs

HEY, hey! Don't insult dogs like that! But anyway...

How the fuck, did this even become a thing?? must be SJW guys thinking all open-minded, & girls just being natural hoes (as always).

One partner is too desperate to leave the relationship while the other assures them that it's best for both of them.

  1. Why the fuck did you post this here?
  2. How the fuck did YOU come across this?
  3. "...or what have you"...guys a fag.
  1. Its hilarious

  2. Some place that makes fun of SJWs

  3. Yes

You found it on the MDE sub.

I just; I just dont get it. How can you watch another man fuck your girl? Im not packing, I eat pussy average at best, but if my girl doesnt like what im giving, see ya later. I dont understand cuckolding and im glad

Eh, freaky shit is dope.

Patrice used to watch his wife get fucked.

why is america pushing trannies and cuckholdery so hard!?

fuck off!!




I don't remember him ever saying that. They did threesomes with other girls.

yeah they were swingers. Idt that means he was just watching his wife fuck other dudes

having a foot fetish is freaky shit. Liking a finger in ur ass is freaky shit. Even being dominated is freaky shit. But watching your girl get fucked by another dude? faawwwk that

I had an ex who I was going to break up with, and she said that one of her friends wanted to fuck us. I was so excited at the thought and knew I was leaving anyway, that I tried to compromise by giving her "permission" to fuck a guy I knew she liked. The three way never happened, she probably fucked that guy behind my back, and I cheated on her. So...that's my answer.

doesnt matter as long as u fucked someone else

It wasn't traditional cuckolding, I suppose, but I would have watched if it meant getting to fuck her friend.

How is calling the police not the first option?

I'm guessing it wasn't that forceful.

The question is, do you imagine yourself as the bull or the.... fag bull?

Wait, I've never contemplated homosexual dynamics in livestock, but surely bulls wouldn't be gay, right?

It would more likely be a steer, since their testicles are cut off.

So are do you see yourself as the bull or the steer in the situation?


I don't see myself as either. I can't really explain why I occasionally watch this. I usually go for lesbian or solo stuff.

Ahh, lesbian is the vanilla of porn.

Women just look so pathetic trying to fuck someone with a strap-on. Moving their hips incorrectly, their fake-orgasm moaning out of rhythm with their spastic thrusts.

They truly were meant to be the fuckees

Oh my god

no doubt

This might be the most pathetic thing I've ever read. Jesus Christ.

this is exactly what the wife always wanted to happen

i agree. either this is all some elaborate fantasy story, leading up to more humiliation and what not, or this was a real step towards more real cucking as a part of the wife's long-term strategy.

because you DON'T go visit a rapist for a weekend to tell him off.

Pathetic. ETA on how long before the wife eventually leaves this bozo?

Word on the street she's one more pop up video away.

This has to be fake

This might be, but shit like this really exists

That's pretty fucked up. His wife is a complete piece of shit for not calling the police.

Wow hot

loves me too much to leave me

yeah, that makes sense. it couldn't be that she loves everything you provide except for yourself and prefers finding actual intimacy with anyone but you. no, she loves you for you.

HAHAHA. Someone is trolling.

i told you that in confidence OP

Good. Stupid cuck... I hope this happens to Jimmy, AND Sam.

moar. i came buckets.

How does this shit not end up on "this is why there is terrorism " posts?

This has to be fake.

Just kill everybody involved in this scenario.


You feel bad for this faggot? If your dick is so small you can't satisfy your woman, you buy two enormous dildos and plug either of her holes until she soaks the mattress. You don't call Derrick the local stick up kid to come give her aids. Fuck this faggot.

It IS hard to laugh with an erection

Losing Ego 'n shiz nit