Chip as a character, is dead to me. I can't laugh at Chip impressions anymore

0  2017-08-07 by Ant_Sucks

The character has been run into the ground. He was originally a way to make people uncomfortable and get a laugh from people in the know. Now he's just another way for Norton to get his weird fetishes out in the open, and repeat the same joke over and over.

I don't even enjoy doing Chip jokes anymore. I have tssd my last tsss.

RIP Chip Chipperson.


Nice blog, queer.

tsss RIP chip chipperson, whatd he rip his pants or sumthin?

Fawk you ya peese o gawbage

Tss tell us how you really feel or sumpthin

I'm 50% with you, but still hopeful

What do you do for fun, character?

ron sage gotta nigga ribs. hurtin taDAY

Chips mom is a nigger lover

We all wish you were run into the ground.

Nice try opie !