REMINDER: If you haven't had any alcohol for 25+ years, that means you're an alcoholic

40  2017-08-07 by ElmerDudd


I wonder if James named his character "chip" after AA chips or sumptin

The term is 'dry drunk'. Let's all experience some tolerance.

Actually 'dry drunk' is someone who hasn't drunk for 25+ years, but without all the cult meetings, Alcoholic in meeting = good, Not drinking of your own accord = BAD & still a drunk.

Jimmy did explain this, were you drunk?

Dry drunk is someone who doesn't drink, but still acts like an alcoholic. Was raised by one - dad quit drinking, was still a raging asshole who did the same stupid shit while sober.

interesting. Some native Americans started acting like alcoholics once their community destroyed; not working, no responsibility, neglect family, idling day away lazily .... but they'd NEVER seen alcohol, later alcohol was introduced they then overused it. Cause / Effect ??? 'Rat Park Study'?

'Dry drunk' is the most illogical silly thing I've ever heard! (with all due respect)

is this joe cumia? you sure write like joe cumia.

Ouch! I'll correct myself, sorry

Silly, only because you have no experience with addiction, and are talking out of your ass. I don't subscribe to the AA model at all, because it's flawed and the way chapters can be controlled by one person - but in addiction treatment, "dry drunk" is someone who isn't abusing a substance, but is still acting like one - they're not working on what made them abuse the substance in the first place, which is usually emotional issues. That's why Jimmy is full of shit - he doesn't abuse alcohol and drugs anymore, but is a fully functioning sex addict. His problems obviously stem from his family, and he's never done anything about them.

But you keep talking out of your ass, it's working so well for you.

What if: someone was 'acting like one' before they'd ever even smelled a substance? Where they a dry drunk before they'd touched a drink? OR was the drink just self-medication to an existing issue?

No need to be mean there buddy! I'm all in with this convo

That was actually pretty funny.

Didn't Stanhope once tell Jimmy to shut the fuck up in so many words?

Yeah. Stanhope is definitely a personal hero of mine. If he does drugs that means that I'm also cool and funny for being drunk 24/7. Fuck Norton for quitting before he even started.

Please find this link. Please

time stamp?

idk how to timestamp because i'm old and useless, but it starts at around 23 minutes in.

Just right click the youtube video and pick "copy video url at current time" then paste that link.

He would definitely be funnier if he relapsed

If you had rum raisin ice cream you are no longer considered sober.

Beer battered chicken gives me the best buzz

I'm all for the vanilla flavor concentrate. Fair warning, it is surprisingly bitter and you have to drink like 20 of them to catch a buzz.

Nice , so us daily drinkers are completely normal then.

Now this I can get behind

"Yeah, man... I don't know. It's tough. You just gotta keep going to meetings. I don't personally discuss the group I go to..."

(Proceeds to take about meetings and groups incessantly)

Jimmy, you went to AA.

"I'm not in liberty of discussing any details of what meetings I might or might not have gone to."

The meetings are all different. Alcoholics Anonymous isn't some wide-reaching organization that all called the same thing. It's not a group you have to get some card and pay various fees every year in order to belong. Every group has different names; Clean and Living, American Fellowship, It Gets Easier, Sobriety: Sacramento, Hearts and Minds, Schenectady Group, Sobriety Brotherhood/Sisterhood, et cetera. Those are all just groups I made up, but you can look up AA groups yourself. They all have names like that.

That's what Jim Norton refers to when he doesn't want to discuss the groups. He doesn't want to say the exact name of the group he went to; saying "I went to AA" isn't the same thing as saying, "The group I belonged to was called the North Jersey Association of Alcoholics." Considering the kind of people his fans are, there's a very good chance a group of fans would get together and go like, "Hey, let's scare the hell out of 'em" and show up JUST to ruin the group for people. Being an addict is already hard enough, especially when you're legitimately trying to get help, and you don't need people showing up to your meeting drunk and yelling and calling you a failure for being an addict and saying how what you're doing here is just a waste of time.

I believe Jim and perhaps yourself -I don't know, you tell me- are still addicts and will be so for life. You're addicted to your identities as former addicts. You're still fucking struggling every day, preaching to the masses the messages that you deem to be truth. That you were so weak that a glass filled with liquid or a needle brought you to your knees and has kept you there for years and years.

I'm not saying any of the groups you mentioned are bad. I'm just saying you are all a bunch of fucking losers who should have been the waste that ran down your mothers' legs if that's the kind of life you've surrendered yourself to.

What you believe is irrelevant. You spoke of AA as though it's a specific place and like that false information is some kind of bombshell, and it's not.

The sobriety circle jerk between Norton, Artie and Vos was nauseating.

I actually haven't had any in 27 years. I had some shithead drug addict try to tell me that I was an addict in recovery. No, fuckface: I just decided at age 16 that drinking was stupid.

I just decided after getting drunk twice at age 16 that drinking was stupid.

Give it a chance, jeeze.

Just admit youre a pansy. Its ok.

Being a pansy is lookibg for a chemical escape from your shitty life. Or needing to get loaded to approach a bitch.

Oh god youre straight edge. So not just a bitch but a self righteous, offensively boring bitch too.

There is absolutely no reason to be on here if you don't drink.


Of course it's an escape from your life. So is every other form of entertainment known to humanity. What do you call it when you watch a movie, read a book or play a video game. Or do you just quietly contemplate your existence?

Those are constructive, not potentially DE-structive. Stop rationalizing abuse and addiction. I can guarantee I had a rougher life than 99.9% of you and I never had to turn to drugs or alcohol.

Anything can be potentially destructive if you abuse it. People have let their kids die of neglect while they play facebook games.

" I can guarantee I had a rougher life than 99.9% of you and I never had to turn to drugs or alcohol."

And you use that as a crutch the same way a drunk would use alcohol.

Yeah, the amount of people who have let their kods die of neglect while playing Facebook games is infinitesimally small compared to the amount of people who have beat people to death, killed themselves or killed others while drunk not to mention the physical ailments you're giving yourself and the fetal alcohol syndrome your children can end up with. It's just dumb. As far as my hard life being a crutch, that's just ludicrous to say. I'm saying that if I was able to deal with my shit without pussying out with drugs and alcohol, then the little faggot problems you've likely had in your life should cause you to want to drown your sorrows.

That's not the point. You're already backtracking from the statement about other forms of escapism not being destructive. The fact that your emo ass had two beers when you were 16 and threw up doesn't mean that everyone who drinks is doing so to "drown their sorrows." Much like somebody who reads a lot isn't a shut in escaping into a fantasy world.

You sound like a stuck up, boring jerk who probably doesn't even have any interests or life experiences anyway. So you brag about being sober because you think it makes you sound special.

Not backtracking. Your comparison is poor/illogical and I explained why. You're comparing apples and oranges at best.

No. You made an absolute statement that was incorrect and now you're trying to soften it. Read about the japanese men who spend their lives locked away in the parent's houses playing video games. Or people who have destroyed their lives with MMORPGs.

I am very familiar with Hikikkomori (sp?). Apples and Oranges. They don't harm others or breed moron potatohead people like alcoholics. They're probably on the autistic spectrum. These populations are growing, but again are infinitessimally small when contrasted agaisnt the incomparable, nation-sized group of Americans who abuse drugs and alcohol because they're pussies.

Yeah, well maybe I lost my cock at the age of 4 from wrapping a window shade cord around it while my crackhead grandma was passed out on the couch at the end of a binge. It turned purple and eventually black before she woke up and the met had to amputate it.

Think your life was hard cocksucker?

you're two drinks away from being sam roberts, let that sink in

I'm 23 and have never had a sip of alcohol because I don't want to go through the struggles Norton went through.

you should go to a meeting pre-emptively, you recognize you have a problem!

I already have a sponsor. I was watching tv and some guy was drinking a beer so I called him on speed dial. We were fawking laughing for hourrrrrss.

you should've 3-way called that with Opie & Patrice

I did but Opie made it a four way by bringing Brad, the trucker who's hauling refrigerators and who think's his local town's team is having a good season.

Jim Norton is a textbook definition of a dry drunk by AA's own standards. It's amusing how often he peddles the Twelve Step gospel when he clearly doesn't really go to meetings, have a sponser, etc.

It also carries over into other substances.

That's why Jimmy only takes half his prescribed Vicodin after surgery and responsibly flushes those he doesn't take down the toilet.

what a melodramatic arse! I've got a kilo of horse in my safe, I took some for my broken wrist - I sure aint flushing the rest! (unless someone gives me 60k to buy some more)

The only time you're addicted is when you're actually doing it

I want to educate some people about childhood addiction.

Contrary to popular belief, drug use isn't something that EVERY child does. For every one story you hear of someone who did a lot of partying when they were a teenager, how many people do you either NOT hear those kinds of stories from or who even outright say they DIDN'T do any kind of partying? Statistically speaking, over 80% of all children DON'T engage in any kind of regular use of drugs or alcohol (experimentation is a different story, but experimentation is not the same thing as regular use), and only about 10% of that other 20% engage in behavior that could either be called "extreme" (I.E., regularly using hard drugs, like crack or heroin or illegally-obtained prescription pills) or behavior that could be categorized as "addictive". Not only that, but childhood addiction has been on the rise over the last 20 years, and is currently at record highs. Which doesn't only mean that damaging drug-using behavior is on the rise, but experimentation is on the rise as well.

For those children, the problems it has on their life are very clear and damaging; poor performance in primary school (many of them even dropping out), damaged relationships with friends and family, criminal behavior, health ailments, poor self-esteem, depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts or tendencies, and, of course, the risk of serious injury or death from driving under the influence (a lot of the "drunk teen driving deaths" you hear so much about; I don't think there's a single person who completed more than two years of high school in the entire United States who didn't have someone from their school die while driving a car intoxicated.)

In a lot of ways, it's even more challenging to get these people help, because they're minors and their parents or guardians have certain legal responsibilities that conflict with a lot of the practices that people have to engage in to get people help with their addiction. A common one you may hear about is "if you don't decide to get help, we're not going to let you live here anymore, we're not going to support you, and we're not going to speak to you unless you get help."

But for the parent of a 16-year old, options like removing them from your home or not giving them help with money or food aren't available. Even calling the police is not an option since juvenile laws are different from laws affecting legal adults. Which all, unfortunately but understandably, leads to a prolonging of the addiction, since the child has relatively little to lose by continuing their behavior.

Much like addiction in adulthood, the causes for childhood addiction are also very much the same. Experiencing sexual abuse at an early age by an adult or even another child, abusive parents or guardians, a dysfunctional family life (domestic violence, mentally-ill family members or a divorce), experiencing the death of a loved one, even things like poor self-esteem caused by a significant amount of bullying or a deep feeling of inadequacy in other ways. All these things can cause addictive behavior; addiction is basically masking emotional or psychological pain with various substances (or, in the case of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, behavior) until a change in the brain occurs.

And the improvements people end up making in their lives correlate to whether or not they make changes, like a decision to stop drinking or doing drugs and a decision to confront whatever it is in their lives that led to them wanting to mask their pain with substances. That's a big part of why so many people end up relapsing; they do one but not the other. They stop drinking, for example, which many programs say is the ONLY thing in their lives they have to change, but don't confront the thing that made them want to drink in the first place. So that pain in their heart they try to fill with liquor never goes away. It's a little like an emotional version of that scene in the motion picture "The People vs. Larry Flynt"; Larry Flynt was a drug addict because his body was in pain, then he got his pain fixed, and he didn't want to use drugs anymore.

Creating a parallel with Jim Norton-- early sexual abuse (the "Devil's Creek" stories); a dysfunctional family life and -social circle; committing self-harm (cutting himself a lot); attempting suicide; dropping out of school; a significant increase in the quality of his life the instant he decided to stop drinking-- it's safe to say he's an example of an underaged addict.

Now this I can get behind

I did but Opie made it a four way by bringing Brad, the trucker who's hauling refrigerators and who think's his local town's team is having a good season.

That's not the point. You're already backtracking from the statement about other forms of escapism not being destructive. The fact that your emo ass had two beers when you were 16 and threw up doesn't mean that everyone who drinks is doing so to "drown their sorrows." Much like somebody who reads a lot isn't a shut in escaping into a fantasy world.

You sound like a stuck up, boring jerk who probably doesn't even have any interests or life experiences anyway. So you brag about being sober because you think it makes you sound special.