<----- Vote for new sidebar pic

333  2017-08-07 by crookedmile


isn't this already in the rotation?

There have to be better pictures of Bam out there. The one you used is awful. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't fuck up the image editing like a retard.

You make one then you bully

You're a little aggressive cheif

Quality should be improved first.

I did the best I could you fuck

He went for a neck tan before the wedding.

She's got Lauren-level titlessness. Hudson and Opetta must be emaciated.

Actually, Opie weaned those waterheads. His titty milk is high in fat content, similar to Hooded Seals.

Her name isn't Operta it's Lennon.

That could look pretty real if done better


What are your complaints? Seriously. Because it's not perfect but it's pretty good. Youre not the only one who complained, but I'm seeing it on a phone so maybe imperfections are less visible.

I do know what's involved in making this, and from what I'm seeing, there's only a slight difference in skin tone between the neck and face. Everything else looks fine on my phone.

I genuinely want to know what your seeing/ I'm missing.

Thank you!

Make the face a little more read, make the head a tiny less wide, and sharpen the rest of the photo to match the sharpness of his hair and it would look like a real photo.

Why do I feel like I stepped in a room of libtards that want everyone to have a consolation prize?

Sure, it does the job of conveying the joke decently enough, but that is a terrible Photoshop job by most experts' standards.

Since when is this sub afraid of cold truth? Geez.

Maybe because you're a faggot? Just a guess.

But in all honestly I was 3/4 asleep and on my phone when I looked at the shop job. It looked pretty good in that state. Now I can clearly see the resolution difference/ artifacts on his face vs the original image.

Go give your niece a participation trophy, you fucking cucktard.

What niece? Niece try dummy.

"Dummy?" Oh, he's pulling out the big guns! :) Fucking butthurt little shit.

Who's butthurt?

Oh, we're playing this game? Okay. :)

You're a fascinating human being

I was aware, but thanks. :)

Think what you like, Theodore Broosevelt. I think you're the type of guy who gets too drunk and starts fights. But what do I know.

Says the guy who called me a faggot in his very first message to me ;) keep projecting, you annoying little shit.

But what do I know

Based on what I'm reading, not very much. Because you're the butthurt little shit that called me a faggot for politely disagreeing with him about the poor graphic quality of a meme on the internet.

Then denied being butthurt.

And now projecting his weaknesses onto others.

But by all means, keep going.

Dude everyone here calls names. No one gets butthurt. I'm not upset about anything that's gone on, lighten up ya little sissy.

Cool, so neither one of us is upset. Nice to know.

Now go reply a 192nd time trying to defuse this while claiming not to, you hypocritical little shit stain.

Why do I feel like I stepped in a roomful of libs afraid to hurt OP's feelings? Not everyone deserves a trophy.

Sure, the image does the job of conveying the joke decently enough, if that's the goal. But if we're going to rate the Photoshop job itself on a scale that includes ones made by graphic designers that know how to swap heads on a professional level, this is a 4/10 on a good day.

There are some legit Photoshop masters out there, let's not pretend this is that quality. Nor should it be, it's just a meme image. But when someone points out that it could be rendered better by a professional, why take it badly? Most jobs can be done better by a professional. It's literally why they're professionals.

Since when is this sub afraid of being direct w/ people?

Are you going to delete your comment and reword it every time I reply to you? Jesus christ stand behind your words pussy

Jesus Christ you're a narcissistic piece of shit. Just felt like wording it better and did it before you replied.

But you're certainly on my radar going forward. :)

Oh fuck, I'm on your radar? Is that the murder list you write in lipstick? Dude you're silly

No you :)

Did we just become best friends?

You can keep trying, but no.

Go reread this thread after a walk around the block and tell me I was being overly sensitive.

I don't need to re-read it, I was there. Your reply is the definition of butthurt, dude. Sorry you don't see it. But apparently, you don't see much.

Hey, remember when you called a guy 'faggot' for having a different opinion than you about something that had nothing to do with you, you hypocritical little shitstain? ;) Guess not.

You lack self-awareness on a Stuttering John level, man.

Dude I was just busting balls. If everyone got their feelings hurt whenever name-calling happened on this sub, it wouldn't be half as fun as it is.

Look, I'm honestly sorry you got insulted. I wasn't trying to start a fight with you. Name calling around here is fun and light hearted, don't be such a queer

Now you REALLY sound like Stuttering John trying to make peace with Artie pretending he was just "busting balls" when he was really being a little girl.

You seem to misunderstand my position. I'm not asking you to de-escalate anything. I'm pointing out that you deserve all of this and as long as you keep trying to turn this around on me, you're just gonna get more of it.

The right move, if you can't take the backlash, is not to call people faggots just because everyone else in class is.

What the fuck are you, 12?

Ok faggot

Great line! :) You're a master at this.

I take it back. Stuttering John would likely be handling this better than just going into an autistic ""just keep repeating the same word 'til you get the last one" routine.

But because it's you, I'm gonna play :) Which two words am I gonna usa to counter your impressive "OK faggot?" copy/pastes? Oh wait, I know.

Oy vey.

Less pixels in beams face and the hair looks a little rough especially on the pillar

Maybe the resolutions off a shade, but it's a damn sight better than anything I could cobble together in Paint. Good work crooked mile, or frrunkis, or both of you if it was a collaboration.

Since I'm not doing anything else.... I gave it a shot. http://i.imgur.com/Qdn7Ifc.jpg

My attempt to update it.

In another 5 years, Bam and Phil's heads will be 100% interchangeable.

Can't you just post the image and let the sub make sidebar requests? You come off like a faggot asking for upvotes.

To answer your question: No.

Bam is a fag, but Opie is fagger. So I guess Lindsie deserves Opie?

She's got a weird shaped mug.

Bam's face or Opie's neck needs to be re-colorized, otherwise mandatory sidebar pic

She is so juicy

I vote using the current Bam head instead where it looks like his body was dragged out from the bottom of a river.

Ya'll gonna make the poor girl pay for every gold digging cent she's taken from Tits, aren't ya?

You're a fascinating human being