At the end of Weird Medicine today Dr. Steve said Anthony Cumia has lucid dreams where he rapes women

0  2017-08-06 by Gilgores_Trout

then he thanked opie, go figure, huh?


Ant has talked about that several times

it actually was said, btw

BTW, Anthony has talked about this before. Linger Longer...

Old bit.

He flies around and rapes in his dreams it's a victimless crime btw

I used to do the same, until I realised I was actually sleepwalking

I dream about victimless crimes ..... like annoying reddit sub members

Dreamy rape doesn't count.

I've done that before too

That wasn't a dream and I'm not a woman.

thank Opie - go figure! Not Sherrod - No ni..

wha' wha?