its bad that British model was kidnapped for sex slavery, but whats worse is they let her go because she had given birth before

26  2017-08-06 by I_want_Forbin


Sex slavery = bad

Not thinking women who have given birth are at peak hotness = EVIL

are you a lady?

what the fuck are you smoking? no woman would ever come to this sausage-fest of a subreddit.

Yes. No tongue on first date

What makes you think you have a choice, hole?


Once you've seen a woman give birth, & have her punchplate sown back together ... you'll have new respect! (for younger gals)

It's a pretty big stretch to think that's actually what they're trying to say with this article. The story is newsworthy and so is the reason for her release.

It may not be the reason why but they believe it is. Thats my point.

Motherhood should also make her unfit for modelling. What does it say for our society when sex traffickers have higher standards than us?


Hey the Muzzies make good points when it comes to women.

Yeah! Chicks should be offensively hairy and naggy!

They're not Chinese.

A broken clock is right twice a day. Unless it's the work clock, then it's always 4:59 PM! Ha Ha. Anyway

From your lips to gods ears

Father always said, you pick something up used, it might look ok on the outside but it'll be nothing but problems in the long run.

he was also drunk for most of his life, right.

You think if my father hugged me I'd be here?

Women are Faggots

I've spent a good portion of my professional life in female-dominated companies and I can confidently say I have never been impressed by a woman outside of childbirth.

Out of 100+ convictions, sex traffickers serve only 6.5 years on average? Is that what I read? Wtf.

So, not as bad as dealing drugs and just slightly worse than selling bootleg DVDs. Yep, sounds about right.

I just feel like we should cut through all the bullshit and say that women are dumb whores and figure out who holds sway over them. They're property, this is a gentleman's land issue. Let them sing their songs and knit and pretend they can run charities making little girls into geniuses with toys, but overall let's realize they are unfit to do anything important.

Every headline from this dogshit site feels like r/titlegore

How wide was her cunt?