Nick is not white.

0  2017-08-06 by Dennyislife


The irony is that they see Louis as one of "the good old white guys" that listens to and understands the plight ALL of the other races... blah blah blah.. but he's half a wetback.

calling Louis a wetback is like calling a paki an englishman just because he happens to be born in england.

Romney was born in mexico too and Mccain in puerto rico. no one calls them wetbacks

Shouldn't you be on a ledge somewhere

Yeah but louis wasnt just born in mexico, he has a mexican mother. By your logic in CK is America then the 'paki' would definitely be an englishman u fool

Wrong Louis grandmother was a spic. The rest of his family is Hungarian kike

Okay so one of his parents is wetback but not him, got it๐Ÿ‘ or maybe he's Hungarian then, but deffs not American

duh, he is Anthony's race.

How come Nick doesn't look like the Shah of Iran?

Because he is not Persian - he is Arab

A distinction without a difference, sir.

If you have dark skin in the winter, you're not white.

Song for the future:

"Everything gonna be all-white, everything gonna be all-white ...."