How pathetic is this subreddit? You're all drama fags that get excited over radio gossip about some 70 year old dead beat shock jocks and a worm.

0  2017-08-06 by DumbleMeHarry




You're not welcome here you kid-fucking nigger.

He mad af

Very pathetic. Now what?

somebody doesn't want their prick sucked

Leave it alone. sniff

I mean you're not wrong. We are hens but at the end of the day; it's better to strike a match than curse the darkness as I have always said.

So you rather we rant about how the communist Jews are going to take your shitty pickup truck and give it to some nigger and praise the host of The Apprentice because he's going to save America?

This is news to me. I thought we were cool.

we are - do not let this faggot tell you we are not. because we are.

You're right. Trump, Kardashians and Lena Dunham are ruining the world but we care more about pissing on the career graves of 1990s shock jocks forced into early retirements.

Trump, Kardashians and Lena Dunham

now that would be reality show

See this?? It means not welcome

He said 70 when they are not, this guy... fawkin hilarious!

Go back to Mexico, Louis

A. Not quite as pathetic as being a centiipedo taking time out from sucking cock on the_donald to try blast your own admitted past obsessions

B. certainly no where close to as pathetic as participating in a community who exists around watching one other faggot play a video game

C. living life as you, you participate in the_donald, you're an embarrassment and I would prefer you to leave here for good MR. and not because of don cheeto, just because of the brain dead mongoloids you've chosen to participate in discussion with while having the audacity to come try call this sub pathetic

A. Nah

B. Nah Nah

C. Nah Nah Nah

Ya'll are faggots and need to see a doctor for your diabetes. You guys prob all look like you own an Italian sub restaurant that hasn't seen business in three years, yet you insist on keeping it open.

From a lowly Panera employee to owning a business.

Say one bad thing about Trump and you'll be banned from td . Even sjws aren't that sensitive.

You burried that cocksucka!!!

And the Donald will literally ban you for disagreeing. It's pathetic.

We know what we are.

I think we all need to become a little more introspective if this guy is calling us pathetic. Thanks for the wake up call fruit cake.

What do you do for a living character?

Actually, I like that all sorts of bs leaks into this sub. It's a weird world filter