Has this ever been brought up on the sub? Opie and Brother Wease have actually kissed before.

48  2017-08-06 by 1073WAAF



Who the fuck kisses their dad?

What a weirdo

That is so fucking weird.

Lil Wayne apparently

If I ever tried to kiss my father he'd knock me out.

Oh, but those last night back of the neck kisses he gave you were fine? Your dad's a hypocrite!

I've never heard this but I'm not terribly surprised

Opie totally put a cock in his mouth as a fraternity "prank"

We should make those nerds show us their dicks and tell them how gay they are!


Opie is closet gay.. His entire life is yet again a lie

here we are spreading the SBAB virus and Opie is out playing 4-dimensional aids

I've never wished cancer was contagious as much as i do right now.