Bill and Nia on slavery

0  2017-08-06 by Lilcumia


I got 15 seconds in and tapped. The way she tries to dictate what he's going to do on his own podcast pissed me off. The tone when she asked if he could read the question reminded me of a power-tripping cunt elementary school teacher I had. She asked but it wasn't a request at all.

Yeah, I'm not clicking on that. I know it would be the final push over the edge to follow in my nigga Elliot Rodger's footsteps.

people still think of this as his podcast?

Fuck no who would listen to this???

I cant click THAT, even tho' today I'm identifying as a black woman.

Slavery is just a buzzword at this point. Even most black people today don't fully understand the implications of slavery. Slavery is a word that is supposed to make white people uncomfortable and black people feel confident.

Letting your wife in on your comedy always works well. When does bill realize what he's done and divorce her?

He's so beta in the relationship he never will. Same with Opie.

They're wives will realize they can get the $$ even if they don't stay and they will leave.

It would be hilarious if nia leaves bill to be a single father lol

It would still be the best thing that could happen to him at this point.

I personally love slavery

white guilt will lead to complete societal collapse.

Yeah, I'm not clicking on that. I know it would be the final push over the edge to follow in my nigga Elliot Rodger's footsteps.

people still think of this as his podcast?