REMINDER: Jon Stuart Leibowitz being attacked on this subreddit really hurts liberal faggot feelings

18  2017-08-06 by [deleted]



I'm a liberal and it don't hurt me.


Lol sounds like you got triggered


It really shows how much terms like "triggered" and "snowflake" actually bother you queers when you attempt to co-opt them.

It's very transparent.

Whatever helps you cope, I guess.

I suppose I should head over to my "safe space" now, eh?

If that is what you want to do, go right ahead. This is a free country. No prob with me.

why? to both your statements

You might have fucked up with ur password rotation.

REMINDER: Irrelevant biker gang cosplayer Joe Cumia is totes racist. He voted for Drumpf even!

Like...I can't even...

Are you a schizo acting out, pretending to be something in ur head or are a just a girl showing off trying to play internet?

REMINDER: /u/DeepStateAgent is a dumb nigger

"REMINDER" To whom exactly?

REMINDER: /u/DeepStateAgent likes to tickle other men's balls with his tongue

How can he be racist when he's a nigger?

He's "white passing" and that is obviously enough for him to be accepted into the fold and benefit from white male patriarchal supremacy. ugh i can't even...

Unless you're another spaghetti nigger pretending to be white, shouldn't you be irate about this Yemeni taking advantage of your status as an oppressed white man?

Anyone of European decent is fine with me. I like to think of myself as progressive. 👌

Sicilians are Arabs. I know, I have them in my bloodline. Have you ever been to a Sicilian wedding or funeral? You'd swear you were in Marrakesh.

Is that your way of distancing yourself?

Genetic history of Italy

The genetic history of the Italians is greatly influenced by the geography and history. Multiple DNA studies confirmed that genetic variation in Italy is clinal going from the Eastern to the Western Mediterranean (with Sardinians as outliers) and that all Italians are made up of the same ancestral components, but in different proportions, related to Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements of Europe. In their admixture ratios all Italians are similar to other Southern Europeans and that is being of heavy Early Neolithic Farmer ancestry. The only exception are certain northeastern Italian populations who cluster with Germanic and Slavic speaking Central Europeans.

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Luckily I'm only an 8th Sicilian.

You'd swear you were in Marrakesh

Username checks out.

Did you take the express there?

He's "white passing"

Until you look at him.

Why is every single comment I see of yours obsessing over Anthony's race? That's fucking weird.

We're talking about Joe.

OK. 'Why is every comment I read of your you obsessing over the race of the Cumia family?' then.

It's fucking weird.

(S)he's a self hating black TransAm

fuckin joo

please god lets jocktober that bastard.

Ur pretending and talking to urself. :D

REMINDER: /u/DeepStateAgent is actually retarded

Keep thinking.

Ur on a home computer trying to run game on my sub like before. :D

if it makes you feel better we have the likes of Yusuf and Antwan Kumyia on our side... i cant tell if i love trump or just like watching liberals eat their own shit these days


I think Ronnie B said it best to Anthony when he said Anthony isn't really conservative, he just hates liberals.

honestly i said it serval times before trump was a serious candidate i would have voted for a mop before i voted for Hillary (evil) or Sanders(misguided but would have kept us out of war but i cant stand socialism)

he said that to nick dipaolo

I've also heard hiim do the killing a tiger at the zoo on acid bit more than once so it wouldn't surprise me if he said the same thing to Nick that he did to Anthony.

It makes sense that he would.

Why would you make an account with that name? To be ironic or just to troll?

It's ok I see girl.


You some fucking ill shit. That was all in ur head and came thru ur actions. No one prompt it from u. :D

What other hidden thoughts do you have bouncing in there?

REMINDER: /u/DeepStateAgent has sex with guys


Seems most here are mad at the liberal hurting Ant's feelings

Considering the amount of posts about it, it seem like the liberal hurt this subs feelings.

You totally burned them



It really shows how much terms like "triggered" and "snowflake" actually bother you queers when you attempt to co-opt them.

It's very transparent.

I suppose I should head over to my "safe space" now, eh?