you gorgeous bitches

90  2017-08-06 by peopleforgetthat


He's just not good at acting like a person

I was going to say it's like an alien hiding under human skin that you can detect because something's just off, and then I realized that "not good at acting like a person" is just how you'd describe a retard.

It was like he was wearing an "opie suit"

Are you about a size 44D?

He could be on edge of losing it or high on kratom

He's feelings of awkward revulsion he elicits are a perfect example of the Uncanny Valley

I feel like he just watched a Philip Defranco video

i feel like you're a millennial.

he acts like a high school girl

opie got a dog to replace his wife and kids... and it too is walking away from him

replace his wife and kids

and friends, and co-workers

Are you sure that's a dog? To me it looks more like some kind of garden hose feeder or perhaps Opie's mongoloid daughter.

i know a dogs asshole when i see it

No faking that chocolate starfish, am I right gang?

*Gorgeous asshole

You know, I think that might be a schnoodle.

ME: Rogan calls people bitches all the time, sounds like a plan

Also there is never a situation where you should have sunglasses on when the pool light is on too

What if you're getting sucked

AHHHHHHH!!! I didn't even see him until you pointed that out.

Opie's a fucking asshole.

I fucking hate this man.

Just when I thought he couldn't get more hateable.

For years, we just wanted him to get fired. Now we hate him more than ever.

Maybe in the back of our minds that's exactly why we wanted him fired. We somehow knew it'd make him an even bigger asshole and we could hate him that much more.

Yea - but a recurring theme in these Opie Hamptons pics.....there is never ANYONE else in the pics. Hahahahaha.

Sweet dude! You're showing us your empty fucking pool. And your empty fucking beach with your empty fucking life.

He's new pal Carl is gonna get tired of his shit too. He owns plenty restaurants & has very regular appearances on Food Network. He doesnt need Opie. Just a fan. Opie's deterioration is unraveling in a magnificent way.

And Carl has CAT SHIRTS! Those things are so funny. I bet he totally embarasses his kids when he wears those. That's why he's pals with Opie, they both loooooove to make people uncomfortable.

How many restaurants does Carl own?

They're not so much restaurants as they are glory holes.

One failing strip mall deli.

About 10. But I think half are actual restaurants. Like 4 star quality. Then he has some places you'd see Guy Fieri in...stuffing his face while wearing a wrist-sweatband on his forearm.

Hello Desk.... A bum has gotten past the gates he was seen shitting on beach,disheveled possible trans had breasts

He couldn't, he's already as hateable as a human could theoretically be. This is just additional proof of it.

Uggghhh I hate that he is so rich for NO reason!


It's obvious that Cool Guy left a lasting impression on the Greggster.

Well, he was a cool guy

swing and a miss

Of all the faggoty horseshit Opie has done over his long career, oddly enough, this might be the thing that annoys me the most.

Fabulous darling.

Opie is the most vulnerable adult I've ever seen

I hope that pool is at Michael Barrymoore's house.

(old, mainly brit reference but googlable, & I really hope he gets found floating dead with a chairleg in his ass!)

Who is the guy in the photo?

It's not Opie is it?

If It wedding ring.

I just checked a bunch of older opie pics and unfortunately once was there a wedding ring on his hand. Good eye anyway.

Gah! Thought we were on to something big

You're the autist we need

It looks like a tattoo or other mark on his ring finger.

That dumb fuck got his ring tattooed on. He's said so before on air, which makes it even more hilarious when he gets divorced.

Didn't Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson do that as well? That turned out great.

He's all yours, honey.

Radio for 20 years



Raqio for 40 years*

God damn that looks like a nice house

It looks like every driftwood-colored beach house I've ever seen.

As you drive by in your Saturn S Series on the way back from your shift at Panera Bread.

Be like Jimmy and upgrade your Saturn to a BMW with an engine you don't know the size of and paddle shifters that you don't understand how to use.

Unemployed idiot

Finally something new for my flair

Sounds like something he heard someone say.

dolla dolla bills sniff


You're not implying Opie might be lacking in originality, are you?

Ronnie B, Joe Rogan, Anthony, the innumerable comics they had in studio... Opie has no personality, he just poorly mimics anyone he's perceived as "cool".

What in the fuck does this even mean? The sun is already down ya ass hat. Opie really is just like his mother, where is my mind?

He is self conscious about his looks and is stealing from Carl by hiding behind a mask of accessories to hide his ugliness

Idk but I think the post was just a way for this no talent cunt to show off his pool on the edge of a shore that he really didn't earn


Talk soon.

Every communication he makes has some kind of cliffhanger. It's like he's trying to create the impression that some big reveal is just around the corner but he can't give the details yet. But there's never a fucking payoff. It's just more cliffhangers. He's like every episode of Lost.

Holy shit is that a good observation. Cunt is so on-the-run and desperate and trying to pretend it's otherwise.

Where we at with the Dharma initiative?

Remember when they would shit on E-Rock for being vague in text messages? He does the same shit, and I bet it's where the Nagel learned it from.



He's trying to talk like Joe Rogan.

oh shit, that's it exactly

Freak bitches

Something he's done frequently, taking from others, i.e.; Kevin Pollack's "You son of a bitch".

The fucking hand resting on the chin, sunglasses on at 10pm...all murderable offenses.

Definitely asking for a, a sucker punch.

holy fuck that's edgy

You ever have that dream where you're running through hallways or a maze and you're supposed to meet someone but you can never get there?

That's the opsters life. Everyday. Just alone and lost.

I hope Opie is found in that pool like James Gatzby.

Or Lou Costello's kid.

Is that soon to be Linz and Bam's new place?

Just Roganing it up a bit, just a baby hit though. Just a taste.

Ocean front and a pool? Perhaps I should have tried working 16 hour weeks.

My first thought was he saw a Philip Defranco video and wanted to make it his own.

expand on this please...

Opie is always trying to get a catchphrase going.

Defranco is blowing up right now, there a lot of talk that he might be getting a tv show of some kind with Discovery. He is well known for being a youtube personalty, I'd be surprised if Opie has not seen his videos.

Defranco's opening for each show is whats up (or ' sup) you beautiful bastards.

When I read "gorgeous bitches" which I've never heard Opie say, my first thought went to Defranco greeting with the nice/naught combo and was thinking if he liked it but didn't want to outright copy it and made it his own phrase.

It's a bit you idiots


His undeserved wealth bugs me.

He should be struggling to pay his bills from a job in retail or some shit. Not hanging out at a beach all month.

Lake Erie looks nice.

Was? He has had FU money for a decade. I assume it's well invested. Annoying how wealthy someone can be for surrounding themselves with talent and contributing little-to-nothing personally!

I like Opie. He makes trashing him so easy we can all feel like professional roasters. Now if he was only a good sport about it like Rich Vos, he could be what he always wanted to be: one of the guys. He just needs to know his place, realize his flaws and accept them. He doesn't understand why he's hated and rejected when all he's ever wanted to be was loved and accepted, but I think the solution is simple: Let go of the unrealistic desire to be the coolest, smartest, funniest member of every group in every situation and get in where you fit in. You're the stooge, Op. Be a Vos. When you fight against fate, you'll never win.

He needs to reincarnate like 6 times.

ME: I'm just figgerin' tings owt.

What non-Armenian or black guy wears his sunglasses at night.

"Bam, are you and Lynsi done yet?"

I didn't think we'd hit the "passive-aggressively bragging on his wealth" stage before Christmas. He's cracking well ahead of schedule.

translation: no offers, no meetings, and The Food Network passed on "BroTrip"

He's always near opaque water.

It must be horrible to be paralyzed by IBS, always planning for the next accident.

I think he's been crying.

Can anyone fathom mustering up the sort of naïveté and lack of self awareness it takes to continue to think such mediocre views and pictures are worthy of envy or admiration?

I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so i can, Squeeze my mamms until they lactate out

Who fucking talks like that?

How many pics did he take with different mysterious poses before he settled on the "good" one.

dozens, and each one with a wardrobe change, so he'll be able to post these humble-brags long after he's forced to sell this place.

A: Paris (or Perez) Hilton

One word. Chlorine. That pool needs it.

The pool's fine. Opie just needs to drink gallons of it.

Every day is a weekend for this hack

I know this is supposed to be a "The Good Life is Good" humble-brag, but in context, I think it leans more towards him shitting bricks because he doesn't have FU money.

Hear me out, fellas.

You leave this place, and your presumably loving wife and kids (sniff), in the middle of the summer, to spend 12 hours in a car with a retarded, unfunny Cuban dude that smells like an ashtray, to go to Rochester, NY, to film the trip and make a pitiful quasi-audition video out of it?

The entire point of having FU money is to be able to say FU to stupid shit like that.

Pool boy takes a break after a full day of work.

We get it, you're rich and you have a beach house, you're still a fucking loser with no real friends.

Or Lou Costello's kid.