REMINDER: Putting "REMINDER:" at the start of your posts is good for easy reddit karma.

0  2017-08-06 by [deleted]



Could you send me the bulletpoints of this via email?

uhhh peckahs

Your reverse psychology won't work on me.


REMINDER: Putting "REMINDER:" at the start of your posts is good for easy reddit karma.

Hmmm, wonder which arrow I'm hittin .....

What's that?

I never understood karma. The concept of voting on comments is fucking retarded. I don't want your stupid upvote and you're a faggot for downvoting someone instead of replying and calling them a faggot because you're scared of being downvoted.

I like the idea that it determines which posts appear at the top. That's (in theory) a good way to see good posts first and leave the shitty ones at the bottom.

But I think it's pointless to display a post's or comment's score, and users shouldn't be able to see their total karma either. People do a lot of dumb shit just to see those numbers go up; hiding them would prevent that.

Now what REALLY needs to happen is for Reddit to be utterly destroyed and anyone who had a hand in its creation to be beheaded.