Most anti-SJWs are just SJWs for white people.

15  2017-08-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan

90% percent of the content is pointless counter whining against the whining of SJWs. Go to any anti-SJW youtube channel and one of the first three videos will be something stupid like, "White people are now racist for making tacos," or "BLM supporter lectures white people on dreadlocks." They see racism against white people everywhere, just like SJW's see racism against non white's everywhere.

You can't even make a joke about white people without them flipping out and accusing you of white genocide. It's ridiculous when there are potentially legitimate threats to white/western cultures, such as Muslim immigrants that refuse to assimilate. Or the apologists for brutal practices like honor killings.

It pisses me off because I used to watch a lot of these people back when they were just skeptic channels. Before they realized they could make more money jumping ship to this trend. Now they all make lazy or intellectually dishonest videos where they misrepresent something a blue haired person said as "Snowflake calls for the death of white males?"

There are some anti-SJW's that I actually watch frequently because they create decent videos but I'm sick of these former atheist channels who became factories for half-assed crybaby rants about "muh white oppression."



You're on a sub that's 90% oppressed whites. You'll get no sympathy on here.

I'm primarily whining about cunts who make lazy unfunny content about shit that doesn't matter.

They're all a bunch of fags that manipulate outrage on both sides for notoriety/money/etc. No one would give a fuck about them if there wasn't a political divide or general divisiveness.

"White Men" has become the go to pejorative for every third headline. While our history and achievements are being belittled or retroactively diversified. 99% of the mainstream (((media))) gleefully mocks our existence. And your complaining about the 1% that don't spread their cheeks willingly? You Sir, go fuck yourself.

No. I'm complaining about people who switched lanes to take advantage of white outrage for financial gain. In the process they started making lazily written, poorly researched and generally dishonest content.

Fair enough, what ones?

Thunderf00t, TJ Kirk and Armoured Skeptic come immediately to mind as youtubers that I used to watch all the time before they switched formats into pumping out vids about SJWs or feminists. But go to almost any anti-SJW youtuber and you will see the kind of clickbait trash I'm talking about.

thunderfoot and amazing atheist are both functionally retarded statheists. wanna know how fuckin stupid they are ask them about the GODvernment

You're not wrong.

You said it pissed you off though

And? For their flaws, I did like their content at one point. When they changed content to follow a trend, it went downhill in my opinion. It saw on a lot of smaller channels that I liked too.

Wait a minute there buster, not gonna And? your way out of this one. You tried to be cool. You are not.


I'm complaining about people who switched lanes to take advantage of white outrage for financial gain

what ones?

Thunderf00t, TJ Kirk and Armoured Skeptic come immediately to mind as youtubers that I used to watch all the time

thunderfoot and amazing atheist are both functionally retarded

You're not wrong. I was saying that their content has gotten worse

It pisses me off because I used to watch a lot of these people back when they were just skeptic channels.

All skeptics are trash. They accept gender realism but refuse to acknowledge race realism.

Have you heard of the Jane Elliott's blue eyes/brown eyes experiment? Everyone thinks it was some cutsey exercise to teach racism but it really exposed how the ruling class manipulates the population into conflict. What she did in that classroom, the ruling class is doing on a grander scale and you dummies are falling for it.

Also, complaining about " white men" becoming a pejorative is the kind of faggy bullshit I'm talking about. Remember every time activists would try to ban the word nigger and sensible people would say that a word is only harmful if you give it that power?

"White men" is only a pejorative if white men getting all pissy about it being used as such.

Yeah, where is that word now? verboten to all but blacks. If the headlines were a two-way street I wouldn't give a fuck.

How hasn't that backfired though? The word isn't in headlines but it's all over the internet, which is the main means of communication for most Americans. If you give "white men" power as a slur, you're only going to see more of it.

Headlines have more credibility with the general public than the YouTube comment section. If you use "white men" for anything other than a slur you're labelled a nazi.

The first part of your statement is debatable. And as the internet keeps becoming our main source of information and discourse it's going to be less relevant. More over, even if the word nigger isn't used in headlines, it's been supplanted by other terms. Getting offended by words will never end well for anyone.

But what do you want to see? Do you want to empower "white men" as a pejorative? Doesn't it make more sense to ignore it so that the impact fades and it can't be used in headlines as a call to arms for the groups that hate white men?

I don't need to "empower" it as a pejorative, we have the mainstream media and politicians for that.

I'll give you the liberal media, but most politicians are white men and currently the majority of our representatives are republicans. So, if "politicians" are empowering "white men" as a pejorative, it's a clearly a minority.

It's not about white being a naughty word like nigger, it's about the idea that being better is somehow bad now. It's pretty great how losers have run out of excuses, and have now invented "privelege" as their new barrier to functioning human being.


It pisses me off because I used to watch a lot of these people back when they were just skeptic channels.

Eww gross, I need an example of this please

Like honestly, white people, it's 2017...

havent read this but arent you the faggot tranny nihilist?

Not inaccurate.

Its called identity politics you mong, And the elite encourage and brainwash people to use it to divide the proles so you dont team up to send the bourgeois scum to the guillotines.

Its called identity politics you mong

I think that was uncalled for.

You're right about everything else though.


I don't want to hear that hippie horseshit. While there is some truth to it, Black and Carribbean Latino neighbors are usually the worst and I don't want them near me. Whether or not the media promotes the disparity of our cultures and fearmongers, I've lived around enouh of them to know that for every Al Roker, I get 10,000 scumbags, so I won't take the chance because when it coems to my life and well being, I'm not a gambling man. I wish them well. I really do. Away from me, though.

the bourgeois is just the middle class.

the elite encourage and brainwash people

You poor victim. Your story is truly heartbreaking.

It's obvious that the elites do this. How many movies about slavery do they need to make? How come so much of the culture they finance is built specifically to piss of a certain group?

Thanks Karl Marx. Is that why the elites trip over themselves to pander to poor minority voters? To the extend that they even refer to them as the Coalition of the Ascendant? Also, if you don't think blacks are homicidal pavement apes, you have an attention problem.

Fuck off communist scum

Except that's a pipe dream. People divide up because identity exists. Yes, the elites use it. But it has been a dividing line since the dawn of time. Time to pick your own side.

Will you stop with these unfunny political rants already? Nobody likes them, and even fewer agree with them.

You're driving people away from your batshit ideology, not endearing them.

I'm trying to ween myself off. I didn't think this post was that political when I wrote it. More of a rant about a group of shitdicks that who complain about pointless stuff.

you definitely knew this was political when you wrote it, but you say this is a rant about a group "who complain about pointless stuff". you're a "nihilist", right? isn't the whole point of nihilism is that everything is pointless?

and if that's the case, why do I always see you whining about everything here (especially here of all places)? if everything is pointless, then there is nothing worth whining about, faggot.

(especially here of all places)?

As opposed to where? Where else can I say what I said in my post without being banned or lauded as a brace trans person fighting the patriarchy, or whatever?

Even if this place swings incredibly opposite of my political views and I get downvoted all the time, I can actually express my opinions. Maybe it is pointless to complain about something but that doesn't stop my fucking brain from thinking about this shit all the time. And sometimes I just want to throw out a probably stupid opinion I have and argue about it.

As for the nihilism, it's partly true. It's also partly memey bullshit I say when I'm drunk and shit posting. I don't take it seriously

As opposed to where?

idk. somewhere else? if you feel so strongly about this youtube videos, why not post it in the comments on the fucking videos? makes sense to me.

i just want to make fun of a dead radio show here, and everyone associated with it. political bullshit is everywhere now, and it's gotten motherfucking tiresome reading/hearing it and it is literally god damn impossible to avoid. you really should not have a hard time finding somewhere to post this shit, brotherman.

as for the nihilism being "partly true", no, it's totally true. i've seen the big lebowski, ok? i know what nihilism means, dude.

Controversial youtube comments tend to disappear. That's all I'll say about that.

This sub isn't just about a dead radio show. Lots of different shit gets posted here. Even though this place is pretty right leaning, I though maybe some other people were annoyed with the trendy anti SJW's who say silly shit all the time. As for finding other places, I have been looking but they tend to turn into one form of hugbox or another.

What I meant about nihilism is that I don't take it to seriously.

i know what you meant about the nihilism part, i was just fucking with you.

if this sub is anything like me, people are sick of both sjw's and anti-sjw's, but that doesn't mean i'm going to complain about it (like i said, here of all places) because i know that will only spew more sjw and anti-sjw bullshit in return. your post was counter-productive because all you're getting is more of the shit you already hate, big guy (gal? idk if you being a tranny is just a joke or not).

as for youtube comments disappearing, idk about that either because i don't comment much on youtube. you can go comment as much as you want on my youtube channel/videos though. i won't mind. i'm socrates on youtube. help me out, i'm trying to go viral. YEAHHHH.

This is a nice post.

You're getting verbally destroyed by everyone here, and you still won't just pony up and say "alright, I'm wrong. I'm being an asshole."

As for expressing your opinions, try a Sharpie and a bathroom stall next time, more people would probably appreciate it there.

Shut up. I have them on the ropes.

Give me a few hundred more posts and they'll agree with me.

Earlier you mentioned that you don't like being lauded as a brave transgender fighting the patriarchy...

Well that is the side you're always backing.

The ones who call everything they don't agree with hate speech, and fight to have it outlawed. The ones who will pretend you're some kind of hero, until they get bored of you, you stop being the trendy cause, and they move on to the next one.

If you can't see how assbackwards you are for sticking up for the left, you can't be helped. You're either a nihilist who hates both sides, or you're a progressive liberal. Pick one and own it, it can't be both.

That's just stupid.

I don't have to pick a side in anything. I can hold a variety of opinions from different groups of people without signing up for a club. I'm not backing anyone you describe as the left. I genuinely despise the people who leech off of trans gender people(or any minority) to advance their cause.

But that doesn't mean I don't share some views with their general political sphere. Just like I can agree with right wing racists about the need for free speech without thinking that yard apes are genetically inferior.

In general my opinions may put me to the left, but that doesn't mean I'm pushing their agenda on everything.

anyone know the name of the cartoonist?

Ben Garrison

A while ago I wanted to say that this was pretty funny but the comment wasn't appearing.

"White people are now racist for making tacos," or "BLM supporter lectures white people on dreadlocks."

There are people who say shit like that, and they have influence and power. They actually have the ability to make the lives of white people making tacos or having dreadlocks (not that I approve of that myself though) miserable. Pointing out how moronic that is, is not just whining.

There are also people who sincerely don't like seeing white people with dreadlocks because it reminds them of the past and ongoing discrimination against black people for their hair. Now it's trendy for white people towearing black hairstyles without having experienced any of the negativity associated with them.

You can disagree with the opinion but it's not the same as "Black racist tells white people to check their hair privilege."

There are also people who sincerely don't like seeing white people with dreadlocks because it reminds them of the past and ongoing discrimination against black people for their hair. Now it's trendy for white people to wear black hairstyles without having experienced any of the negativity associated with them.

Is this performance art?

If it makes you feel better, I believe whites with dreadlocks should be beaten because it's an indication of implicit faggotry.


tss tss Social engineering or sumptin.

not to belabor the point but WAKE UP SHEEPLE

SOME of the people going after SJW's are Conservatives who USED to be the moral arbiters of society. Now they're posing as logical, so they can destroy SJW arguments. Any person can do that, because it's easy to pull the rug out from under them and highlight their hypocrisies amount other things. But they do it in order to reinforce conservative arguments anyway (Gavin McInnes and everything he's done lately). They're not coming from the land of logic and reason; they're just visiting it so they can use it to throw their agenda their way.

But the real skeptics have point: To be a true identitarian, you have to be a complete idiot who wears their emotions on their person, every single day they're alive. Reason, logic, ethics, consensus, good faith: these are all offered up in favor of a vapid pursuit of indentitarian truisms, that not even the person advocating it can live up to. Real skepticism should underline this phenomenon, because SJW's HAVE POWER AND ARE WIELDING IT. The bourgeoise obviously gave it to them so that they could continue the divide between people. Critiquing it correctly, and with very weighted arguments that obliterate the fallacies SJW's create, is the only way to attack and solve the problem head on. EVERYONE mostly agrees with the skeptics, and they just want the confusion to end.

Most SJW promote faggotry and socialism both proven anti-societal and dangerous agendas it should be combated (reasonably) at any venue. I live in NYC, these liberals are the most backwards ass (deeply racist) people i have ever meet. The only tolerate people with the same stupid regurgitated Marxist ideology, everyone else black or white is somehow racist. Dont let these people think they can push their socially engineered politics they learned from a sociology professor to you or your elected officials. I dont think most of them have bad intentions just never grew up outside their eco-chambers of fantasy reality thanks to poor parenting or dependance of the welfare state

The last sentence makes me think you are referring to styxhexenhammer.

I had to Schumer that line from him.

Where we at with the Styxhexenhammer666

10.2 inches deep.

Doesn't Styx just do politics mostly though

It's a lot less exhausting when you realize how simple it is. Human beings love being victims because it gives them an excuse to blame somebody for it. The causes of the perceived victimhood are immaterial. All that matters is they have some excuse. The shitty part is that they need it so badly they'll invent it if it's not there.

Found the nigger

That's a lot of text to say "The Amazing Athiest" should be put in an oven. You're not wrong.

Check out the empties, mahn.

Do you think Lauren Southern likes to smooch?

I would assume she smooches black peckahs.

90% of this sub is clearly about wanting Gregg "Opie" Hughes to off himself after his wife leaves him. Nothing to do with SJWs.

Dude, youre cutting in and out , can you try that again?

Except the world is filling up with niggers and the West is being flooded with them by Jewish ngos. Whites are eight percent of the world population and dropping and unlike Jews have nowhere to go. No place of their own.

And this doesn't even factor in the massive population explosion of Africa that is happening now.

Mark my words, when whites become minorities in the West, the West will become the third world.

No. I'm complaining about people who switched lanes to take advantage of white outrage for financial gain. In the process they started making lazily written, poorly researched and generally dishonest content.

Have you heard of the Jane Elliott's blue eyes/brown eyes experiment? Everyone thinks it was some cutsey exercise to teach racism but it really exposed how the ruling class manipulates the population into conflict. What she did in that classroom, the ruling class is doing on a grander scale and you dummies are falling for it.

Also, complaining about " white men" becoming a pejorative is the kind of faggy bullshit I'm talking about. Remember every time activists would try to ban the word nigger and sensible people would say that a word is only harmful if you give it that power?

"White men" is only a pejorative if white men getting all pissy about it being used as such.


And? For their flaws, I did like their content at one point. When they changed content to follow a trend, it went downhill in my opinion. It saw on a lot of smaller channels that I liked too.


There are also people who sincerely don't like seeing white people with dreadlocks because it reminds them of the past and ongoing discrimination against black people for their hair. Now it's trendy for white people to wear black hairstyles without having experienced any of the negativity associated with them.

Is this performance art?

If it makes you feel better, I believe whites with dreadlocks should be beaten because it's an indication of implicit faggotry.