Jason Ellis is a fucking faggot

94  2017-08-05 by Single_Action_Army

I know there's a thread up right now that says it but I feel it needed to be said again for emphasis.


pat cooper is not white

I'll go along with it.

It really can't be said enough.

Me: For the new listeners we get more every day

You ever hear of the Moors?

Isn't that a family that makes beer in Golden Colorado?

Oh nooo, I'm so sorry. It's the Moops. The correct answer is "the Moops".

Things that are plain and simple can often be overlooked.

Thank you for your service.

This subreddit is useful for understanding who is a faggot and who is not.


oy loyk a noice peynis in me bum mate

I don't trust you dude.

He makes me ashamed to have the same accent

ME: Oi Cunt, You wanna get EXTREME with THE SOCIO?

There's people out there who think being bisexual makes them rebellious, and that's just sad and hilarious.

Worse... he's got faggoty tats

His show is horrific. Its like having a small Asian man pinching your nipples until they bleed. Its an unentertaining mess of contradictions and narcissism mixed with equal parts mediocrity and idiocy.

you're a drama starter, dude. I don't trust you

i still dont know who this is.