When your sole focus is getting some dick

23  2017-08-05 by unclepaul84


his assole focus is gettin some dick

or summet. tss tss. dvv dvv

How sad to keep up a charade of a relationship when you both know he just wants your cooter and she just wants your cash.
If I were Ant I'd just rent a new woman every night. Probably cheaper anyway.

That is a relationship though?

I like she seems bored and uninterested looking at some stupid brochure, and Ant is perked up in his seat staring at her waiting for her to give him attention.

I guarantee he smoothed out and started to charm once he pounded a few jack and cokes though.

lol dude shes looking at the lineup for the show, you cant even see her face how do you know shes bored and uninterested looking. if anything shes probably very interested thats why shes looking at the thing

Look at her posture. Show me someone sitting like that who's interested in the place they are and who they're there with.

It's funny. The first thing I noticed was Anthony's body language- namely his clenched fists.

maybe she just sits like that. id find it hard to believe shes not into comedy if shes with ant

dats brootal

I've never heard this self-warming fleshlight actually talk, she might be ok. Ant IS getting older, means time for compromise .... & we jipped him too-much with his honest choice (Sue Lightning), so we made him take 'Blondie McHouse-Burglar' back

Self-important bitch gotta be in every shot of Chip's podacast and she don't do shit but gape her sea turtle mouth. Fuck her.

That seems a fair appraisal Sir

Is this restaurant decor the "Tommy" album?

You were that close and didn't scream Allah ackbar?

nah this was the TV crew grandpa hired because his life is so interesting

Grillos looking good these days.

Always with those fucking JC Penney shirts

Are they sitting at the kid's table?

Ant is 5'2" tall and he barely fits in that chair.

I hope Ant did his Reagan impression for her.

Brochure says "So now you have HIV".

Ant dresses like a child, he has a real arrested development peewee herman thing going on

That is a relationship though?