Why do people delete their Reddit accounts?

7  2017-08-05 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Seems like something a spermless puddle of horse cum would do. I don't get it.


It's advised to not have years of your shitpostings archived under one publically available account. It's smarter to start a new one every few months.

I'm a suicidal autist though, so I really don't care.

Why though if it's anonymous?

Even if you need an alternative account what's the point in getting rid of one altogether?

I thought that if I could delete my account then I would stop coming here and my life would get better.

It didn't so I came back because I have nothing else going on.

You should have stuck with your original account /u/BrianGilgoresSaggyHelmet?

I tried the same thing. I realized that I need this more than actual human interactions.

You'd be surprised how quickly someone could find out who you are if you pissed them off.

The have gov insiders helping them out.


No, just contacts that help them find people. It's not really a revelation.

I was going for Alex Jones yuma:(

Oh, sorry for being suck a stick in the mud :-/

Here's one to cheer you up...Fat man about Anthony;

"A couple of years ago cops were being shot in the back of the head, he said it was wrong. They fired him from XM."

I shit you not, friend. Have a listen.


Thank you sir

They realise they gave enough real info that could alow someone to trace back who they are and they are worried that their employers will learn they are degenerates. By being completely unemployable most here on this sub do not have that fear.

Interesting theory but no dice.

Loads of (gay) people on this sub delete their accounts.

You seem to know an awful lot about the loads of gay people. Something you want to tell us?

I'd prefer to show you.

Open wide sock cukka

Pretty much

I had a guy figure out who I was and he came to one of my shows with his two, I assume gay lovers. He ran around screaming that I voted for Donald Trump, at a Baptist church, in the deep South. I had to save him from his own bullshit after he pissed off half the people there.

If you ever post anywhere remotely left wing people will scour your posts. It gets unnerving

After everything goes stale here I delete my account. I check in months later just to see what's new. Anthony is biting women and losing his guns/mind or Opie is having a meltdown, and it's good for a month or so. It all dies down, then mouth-breathers here start talking about Jocktober, so it all starts over.

That doesn't answer the question.

Why not just use the same account? What is the point of deleting one and making another?

Am I missing something (other than a dick in my anus)?

Simply no point in keeping it. Takes 2 seconds to delete or create a new one. Plus if I delete it then one day I'll actually forget to come back. I'm still holding on for Sam to be forced out, anyone's suicide, and Ant to lose everything (can also be the suicide).

That doesn't make any sense.

Plus if I delete it then one day I'll actually forget to come back.

You realise what you typed, right? Read that back to yourself. Slowly. With me now?

If you want to forget to come back then why not just fuck off?

When this place is on point it's hilarious. It all gets a bit like a shitty soap opera though. People post some hilarious stuff here, but it's about a bunch of aging assholes that nobody else knows or cares about.

I only get curious and come back because of the handful of guys who write the funniest shit. I can't find anywhere else so consistently eviscerating (among the repeated shit jokes we're all guilty of).

Eventually I'll move on completely, but I still need a fix every now and again.

It's easy to be an anonymous, gutless faggot on the internet. But even though all you need to do to exist on reddit is to have a baseless opinion about something, there is something about the people in this sub that keeps bringing me back. We all know we're a bunch of anonymous nobodies badgering used-to-be-somebodies, and we take absolutely no pride in it.. it's just fun to laugh at. As far as self-awareness on the internet goes, this is one of the few places you'll find it.

I agree. This place is is only worth it during the high times for me though. Now things are quiet again someone posts about suicide for attention, liberals, jews, a fat woman, Rich Vos, and so on. I'm here for the concert, not to suck the roadies off.

There's also no point in deleting it and not deleting it is easier

Like wiping piss up with your sock?


I want to drink Opie's semen.

Finally a proper answer. Thank you.

Someone got mad at you and deleted their account after being demolished?


Weirdfellas, aka 'DocMccoy' was/is the biggest faggot of all for this. He got run off multiple communities on here over some embarrassing shit & just changed his name & resumed posting & no longer gets called a cowardly faggot every single post because most don't know it's him.

That is the behaviour of a cunt faggot but at least it's a reason.

The rest of these fucking idiots are coming out with some utter shite.

Like Joyomi.

Travis Cohen, 22, from Texas, virgin, Jew, ghost hunter, pug owner, autist, serial killer: If you're reading this, we love you and we miss your hot, frothy takes. Please come back to us, our sweet, sweet boy.

I miss the updates on this young firebrand's odyssey.

You're all in with Joyomi

He's quite the curious character. A charismatic revolutionary frothing at the forefront of unrecognition.

A man with hot takes.

And no fear.

The mark of a serial killer.

One man can make a difference.

One man can make a difference.

One man can make a difference.

they must be selling like hot takes or summet! tss

An upvote from the chippah is your reward!

Take that part out!

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1 words answer: out of shame

I was trying to get onto r/incels and had to make another name coz if comments

I use the same account. It makes me more considerate of the shit I post. Which is orobably a good thing.


They get doxxed by tranthony and face potentially losing their Panera job?

Because weirdos can piece together a lot about you by going back to your very first post.

Source: I've done this

This is my 10th account or so

Quite the Chatty Cathy, are we? Good luck on your eleventh attempt at validation.

I think you're confused.

You need some integrity.

You need new meds

You need to create that new account, faggot.

Mind your own business.

And no fear.

Thank you sir

they must be selling like hot takes or summet! tss

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