a mouth made for raaio

46  2017-08-05 by OpieHasTits


Show me how you suck a guy's cock!!! .....

I coulda been a model!

That's the smile of a model

His teeth look like a crude barrier you'd set up with shit from around the yard if zombies were coming.

THAT'S the fawkin' line of the day!

He has a pillow fort smile, you're saying?...SNOWAYYYY

Millions of dollars can't buy this man Invisalign? Even Anthony got shameless caps.

They were veneers bruh. Caps are what niggers bust into each other's asses.

Lynsie got a good ol fashion clit removal just by letting the opester eat her out

That's the only thing she lets him do

Eating too much cement for lunch as an upper middle class douche can cause that.

I've never seen such fucked up teeth, and I'm English.

It looks like a QB sneak at the goal line

Soders line about the Filipino boss he had in Alaska applies here - "His mouth looks like a cowboy graveyard".

The boy has a Spartan helmet in his mouth

We wuz poor.We wuz so poor, I had cement teeth.