Irrelevant Opie is trying to bring his "bro trip" to the Food Network

96  2017-08-04 by avengingbullet


Holy shit that's sad.

Opies career is in the turd spinning around the bowl mode scraping the sides leaving marks then taking its last gasp of air before disappearing forever

In the past year I've had my apartment burn down, got fired for no reason (was told it's a right to work state and the owner said take you off the schedule), got hit and run by a drunk driver and my insurance refused to cover the costs of the car...and now I'm getting weeded out by the job I got 3 weeks ago.

Somehow this is sadder.


My pain is your comedy.

Your trash is his treasure.

Fuck u


You didn't get fired for no reason. There was a reason, and if you're in the same situation again, it's obviously you.

Are you a hard worker? Do you shower?

u/RJPennyweather is playing the Opie card

Man leave him alone. He probably just works with a bunch of fawwwkin haterz. All you can fault him for is his un-swiveled head.

"I keep getting fired immediately after being hired on some corporate bullshit."

How did you know the driver was drunk if it was a hit and run?

It was a hit and run at 2 am on a Friday...I guess I'm assuming they were drunk.

maybe he assumed YOU were drunk, & thought you needed taking-out, for public safety

Maybe you should share your misfortunes with Guy Fieri on Twitter, he will surely know what to do.

Through your tears


Did Op give control of his twitter to Keith the Cop?

He uses people too? What a guy.

Oh no what the fuck is he doing its embarrassing

There wasn't one moment of that which would elicit laughter from anyone in the entire country. Those were "highlights" in the same way the Anthony is a "heterosexual."

This is how I know he doesn't read this sub. If he did he wouldn't keep posting this shit

What's funny is that you know he paid someone to edit this together. He gave all his footage to this person and that poor son of a bitch had to sift through all of it to try and find these "highlights".

Rodchester. Fawkin hilarious!

I was gonna say. What the fuck is RODchester?

The worst play-on-words/portmanteau of rochester and "road"? I can't imagine it's that bad, but what else could it be?

"Rock-chester! Opie here, keeping ya company on the overnights 2-6am"

PD steps into the booth "Yeahhh, Gregg we're gonna need some more energy out of you, and you really need to do a better job hitting the post when going into Bad Company next time"

This is so much sadder than I could have possibly imagined. I can't stop smiling.

Spelled "cumming" wrong.

Those folks will love the homeless cake stomp.

Its hilarious that his grand post-firing plan is the equivalent to what Bobo wanted to do with Colin

LOL! It's all COW decor..

The interior is all C-HOOOUUUWWS.

Look at all the bananas in the store! LOL!

the route 66 route

I'm fairly certain route 66 doesn't run from NYC to Rochester you FAWKIN HATER!!!

Ugh. They brag about the huge shit they took at a bakery bathroom as Carl said fuck repeatedly around a toddler. That was the highlight.

Opie just can't stop filming bathrooms. The man loves doodies

You're speaking of a man who wore a baby shit mustache in veiled attempt to be "one of the guys".

He dared himself to do it. He is a less likable Farva

In some bizzaro world were tits gets another job not at compound media they are going to have to tell him that filming in the bathroom is not allowed.

Food Network Executive #1: Ah. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Food Network Executive #2: Oh, hell YES.

Food Network Executive #1: Rachel, get this Gregg kid on the phone right away. I think we just found our new fifth floor executive men's room attendant!

Food Network Executive #1: "Open ya mouth, kid...I gotta take a shit"

That dumb minority putting his hands on the glass like a child is enraging

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmys phrases, or just today?

Go slip in a puddle of AIDS, you meaty titted zilch.

lol oh man this is fun watching opie and the cubes makes fools of themselves

almost 2 hour up now... 16 likes. .#puttinupthenumbahs

Plus 2 retweets

Unfortunately still no response from Guy or that cunt

DUDE, fucking retire.

Next pop-up video will be set in the opsters garage. He'll be wearing a wireless mic, broadcasting live from a laptop set on the hood of his car parked in the driveway, just outside the open garage door. Cans of off bug spray scattered on the floor, citronella torches burning all around him. The camera angle is such that we only ever see him from the shoulders down.

He methodically sets the rope up on the rafters, making sure it's in just the right position. He steps onto the stool so only his legs are visible, and artistically hangs himself. His final words are spent cursing the mosquitos and the haters.

Where else could this disaster possibly be headed.

He would posthumously achieve his dream of going viral.

In one of the Jocktobers, they're listening to a show whose hosts say it's good that Opie and Anthony are "still working", and of course they take issue with this... Opie goes on to specifically say that he'll never be the guy who's just "still working".

I'd say HE'S LOIYING, but working implies you're getting paid.

I will do a social media campaign boycotting Guy Fieri if he interacts with pervert Opie in anyway

someone with a twitter should tweet a reply when opie and anthony based guy and his hairdresser and their fight.

Did you have a stroke before you posted this or during?

I was posting "opie style" asshole

You spelled faggot wrong


Leave it alone.


Tsss why not cool down or sumpin


Those are the highlights? It didn't even show them doing anything. All this showed was cigarette breaks. Who is going to look at this and have anything to say about it?

Dude. This is what he sees as the most interesting interactions they'd experienced together on a six hour drive. Think about that. His personality is a dried husk.

I was wondering what his angle was by using Carl. Trying to ride his connections.

Say what you will-

Anthony is far better at twitter than Opie.

If Opie lost his account🙏🏿 How many would refollow?

With the possible exception of Justine Sacco, I'd be hard pressed to find anyone worse at Twitter than Anthony.

Did I just watch one of those Tim and Eric skits that has no purpose but is supposed to be purposefully awkward and cringe inducing


Some fag named Dustin wilson writes

"Was fun fallowing via Facebook and twitter. Still feeling lost without the show. Oh and Fuck the haters"

Who the fuck are these people??

Probably some guy getting paid 5 cents in New Delhi.

What about Old Pizzeria? Tss

That line gave me Delhi belly

that's a good annual salary out there

He'd be so much funnier if he were a drug addict or alcoholic. Plus side is that there would be an excuse if he weren't funny.

He is the first sober person to need an intervention.

ah jesuz Gregg

This is beneath Carl Ruiz. Think about that.

He smokes Marlboro Lights. Nothing is beneath him.

Backwoods or American Spirit

Fuck Carl but

When the hell did this happen??

Certain cigarettes are considered cool/uncool now? Man I'm out of it.

If you smoke "light" cigarettes you are in fact a faggot.


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A thinly disguised sizzle reel

Even single "joke" deserved the ol' car crash sound from Jim Norton's soundboard.

But instead of from a soundboard, from real life.

He's finally out-chipped Chipper. That's meta.

This tells me he has no professional representation.

"it's just a casual hang, brothaman"

He's definitely gonna hang himself soon.

He'd even fuck that up.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Using a 34 year old song for the soundtrack. Gregg "Marketing Genius" Hughes knows how to target that young demo

child of the 90s

Almost starting to feel sorry the Titster. Have some self respect.

Someone was paid to produce that video. Fucking hell.

Last name Patel

Trying to emulate a "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" feel. The man is see-through.

Dicks, Dipshits, and Doodies

All in one career ending video.

We want more road shows.I'm cuming at every smoke break.AHHHGUSHHH.

Why couldn't paralyzed Opie be real in this fucking timeline. It would be less depressing to watch than this fucking fat tittied cuckold.

Funny that Opie mentions garbage plates in the beginning and was too stupid (or lied) to have the call back at the end of the video of them making shitty jokes about my hometown. Fuck Opie.

Did they go to Nick Tahoe's?

I cringe for him.

I must admit, this video wasn't edited that bad for a Vietnamese.

It's a show about nothing. What did you do today?"

"I went to a deli in a strip mall in New Jersey and ordered a sandwich."

"There's a show. That's a show."


60 years old, he's 60 years old.

He's 57 years young.

Stop with your lies.

Child of the 70s

Since that fuckass blocked me on twitter for calling him tits, it's a real pleasure to see this sub still supports him so much by leaving encouraging comments. God I miss reading those. Big shout out to Tits Titterson...that made me laugh out loud.

How fucking great would it be if he got it tho?

That video reminded me of a Tim and Eric skit for some reason. Like "alt comedy" where the humor lies in how intentionally shitty it is. Except Opie doesn't have that awareness.

He's trying to enter an industry that banished Paula Deen because she admitted to calling the guy who robbed her a nigger, but I'm sure they're fine with Opie's history of mocking and harassing women, the homeless, and the retarded.

Also the incident happened in the 1960s, a decade where blacks weren't even allowed in many universities yet.

Also Opie knows nothing about cuisine. He has absolutely nothing to offer the Food Network

Astonishing. It's truly astonishing that that is the fucking highlights of the trip. Nothing in that video would even make it on to the deleted scenes of a bad direct to DVD movie. They did nothing that was entertaining.

If a friend had me over and wanted to show me a three minute highlight video of his family vacation, I would berate him if it was that void of anything interesting.

Opie was satisfied with that piece of garbage, and thinks that might get him a deal somewhere? As awful as his long slow decline has been, I'm shocked he has fallen this low.

The suicide really can't be far off at this point.

Astonishing. It's truly astonishing that that is the fucking highlights of the trip. Nothing in that video would even make it on to the deleted scenes of a bad direct to DVD movie. They did nothing that was entertaining.

You obviously missed the scene where Tits asked the lady at the convenience store if she had any bananas, and the bananas were right in front of him!

Nice try with the hate, tho.

I enjoyed how even Carl didn't get the joke and immediately says "They're right here".

Yeah, the only thing better than a horrible, retarded premise of a "joke" is it being immediately ruined by your new partner in comedy.

Thankfully, Tits' impeccable comedic instincts kicked in and salvaged the bit with the ol' "Hey look: the banana's my penis!" gag.

Unfortunately, due to the family-friendly nature of The Food Network, he had to cut that out of the final edit. Here's to hoping it makes the bloopers and outtakes reel.

115 human beings gave that video a thumbs up

Love how Krispy Kreme was like a must. Cuban calling another restaurant a shit hole. I want to hit both of them in the mouth with a Louisville slugger.

So.... what we doing when the titster finally kills himself? It's actually a possibility after our years of hardwork

At the end of the video

Tits: "coffee mania!". sips his fag straw . "Carl get in here for a fawkin selfie". "COFFE FAWKIN MANIA"

I had to watch to see if this was an actual quote or hyperbole...I should have known better.

He wants to be like Anthony Bourdain. Gregg Hughes: No Occupation.

I'm just a citizen. Why does he spell it Rodchester?

Because he's stupid.

"Why did they change it from Leonardo?"

Bigger losers have a show there. Opie would fit in there just fine.


uuuf wow

I hope they do get a show on the Food Network. Seeing Tits' tits get bigger and generating new shit for us to shit on.

Did he make Carl drive to his place and then turn around and drive right by Carl's? What a peckah. And where the fuck dis Carl park his car?

It defies belief that he is under the impression this could go anywhere

It's just awful. He's genuinely incapable of wit, humor or insight of any level.

Better off at the Fag Network

That fucking idiot driving in the left lane, I can't believe I watched that. 2 retweets lol

Good example of what a selfish asshole Opie is, in how he makes his only remaining friend Carl stand in various sweltering parking lots to had his smokes, rather than just letting him smoke in the car like a normal friend.

Fuck that i'd do the same thing as well.

So fucking true, ge spazzes out about it after a while in the brotrip video

I can honestly say I haven't seen such a ribald love letter to the lady whimsy since Woody Allen's early work.

I can't believe a man with this little grasp of humor hosted a platform/was partially responsible for the breakout of some of the best comedians of the last 20 years. This is morning zoo level shit, and that's exactly where he belongs. (And will probably end up)

Plus 2 retweets

Spelled "cumming" wrong.

With the possible exception of Justine Sacco, I'd be hard pressed to find anyone worse at Twitter than Anthony.

I had to watch to see if this was an actual quote or hyperbole...I should have known better.

I enjoyed how even Carl didn't get the joke and immediately says "They're right here".