Downgrade - Tits has gone from furtively filming fat men on the shitter to secretively recording fat men smoking cigarettes. He obviously has a thing for watching porky guys doing anti-social things in a reticent way. Bad (or sick) guy.

11  2017-08-04 by McGowan9


Furtively? Reticent? Check out college boy over here

I wonder if he thinks he's like Ricky Gervais and has found his Karl Pilkington.

I honestly can't fathom what it would be like to associate w/ a person like him. Torturous.

Opie's 50, right?

About 54.

He wants to get caught and be punished

In a sexual manner

Imagine the douche chills for who ever saw Tit's filming this.

Opie is inspired by fatsos that are completely comfortable with their big tits something he hasn't overcome yet

In Roland's defense on the shitting, that act is inherently anti social. It's everything ELSE Roland does that's horrific and creepy.