Sam unironically: "You think its gonna be something cool like Stone Cold"

65  2017-08-04 by orangeeyedunicorn

Does this faggot have no frame of reference that isn't oily man theater?


Also Jim on why Manson murders were different than that texting suicide "I think the leader of a cult has a different energy to it."

Do high school dropouts base their entire worldview on 'energy' and 'vibes'?

Maybe he's trying to be Joe Rogan now.

he looks like a deflated Rogan

Rogan with terminal cancer

yeahhhh mahhhhnnn

Based on the number of kids posting "sending positive thoughts your way" I'd say maybe.

For fucks sake, stop making excuses for the person who made the decision to take their own life and followed through with it. The definition of "suicide": the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally.

Stop blaming others for dead people's decision to end their own life.

Yes because suicide is always the rational act of sane person.

That's what Webster's wrote...

What do you think the dictionary is saying besides 'suicide = intentionally killing yourself'?

You can be deluded and have intent.

The difference is that Manson convinced his followers to brutally murder people and dumb broad just took advantage of some faggot kid and he offed himself.

I don't disagree with Jim. I'm just pointing out that you need to be retarded to define yiur belief system by "How like the energy is different"

You're still a faggot.

Stfu you bitch made

No one cares, cunt.

Is this a negro way of calling someone a son of a bitch? If it's not, I have no idea what it means.

It's a major crutch of his that he applies to all human to human interactions, and it comes from his hooker fetish. "Some people just have different energies and they don't match". He's been with so many disgusting slobs and pigs that he had to come up with a catch-all word that would allow him to tell himself he knows how to explain why the dirtiness just didn't work for him last night.

When that nut Gary Busey was in, he said to Jim: "You talk so fast, because you're insecure about your breath"

I think it gave Jim a pause, meanwhile Sam was cackling like a dolphin

short answer is yes. long answer is he's spent so long chasing after 20 year old brainless women that he's slowly started to think and act like them in order to increase his chances of success.

What was it in reference to? I refused to listen to that terrible line up they had today with the cuck and the hick.

The new opening has a glass break sound effect.

They're all stuck in their ruts, it happens as we get older. If it isn't Ozzie it's not music to Jim, Ant doesn't support anything that isn't white, and Opie firmly believes that his wife loves him for being him.

She's with him for his knowledge, dude.

That might be the funniest thing I've read on here.

I read it in Will Sasso's impression of Hulk Hogan and giggled like fag.

More like will fatso

Stone Cold is pretty awesome

It was hilarious he was the hero when he was clearly a skinhead.

I heard that glass shatter and I was jumping on my couch in excitement

It was hilarious obvious he was the hero when he was clearly a skinhead.

Being bald doesn't make you a skinhead, and Austin's gimmick wasn't skinhead in any way. He was bald and wore boots. That's about where the comparisons to skinheads stop. Also, skinhead doesn't equate to racist; most skinheads are anti-racist. Even being a bald racist doesn't make you a skinhead. Skinhead is a way of life with a deep culture that stretches back to the late 1960s.

Oh, hi Opie.



You watched This is England too, huh?

I knew a lot of skinheads. Used to be one myself.

When you got his action figure was the first thing you did to check what he had under his shorts?

Lol oily man theatre.

You people do realize that radio people are fucking nerds, right?

Now that you mention it I can't think of one example to the contrary.

Ron Bennington is no nerd.

Neither is Fez. He watches wrestling, but that's because he's gay and horny.

He's just a faggot that ate so much that he has to wear three pairs of sunglasses to hide his chin and baldness

So kool and so fat

Not a great example but a decent one. It's not really all that much of an accomplishment to coke yourself out in the 80s and be from Philly. But he does pull off the alpha thing pretty well.

He was a comedy club owner who fell in to radio because the drugs were free.

It's so obvious that he's just trolling this sub at this point.


you mean un-sarcastically dummy

But Stone Cold is cool.

And that's the top line or sumphin'

I said the same thing in 1997 to my friends in the cafeteria.

Something I've learned... almost all radio people are huge closet wrestling fans. THheir character on air is usually a portmanteau of Howard Stern and their favorite wrestler, or what they would have tried to be like as a wrestler. The businesses are similar, and it's pathetic. Everyone on the Virus had a history with wrestling, Fez even wrestled for WCW. On a much smaller scale, young comics these days all seem to have wrestling knowledge as well, Dan Soder, Pete Davidson, and others rock those awful vintage wrestling shirts, to Sam's glee because he thinks his taste is coming into style.

Sam reminds me of myself when I was 9

It was hilarious he was the hero when he was clearly a skinhead.

When that nut Gary Busey was in, he said to Jim: "You talk so fast, because you're insecure about your breath"

I think it gave Jim a pause, meanwhile Sam was cackling like a dolphin

Yes because suicide is always the rational act of sane person.

When you got his action figure was the first thing you did to check what he had under his shorts?