Nothin turns me on more then a frumpy girl always talks about sucking cock an trying to be sexy when they a 6 at best

31  2017-08-04 by jb95376


man she is sooo sexy i see why "intern" anthony is all over that lol

I have a feeling "intern" anthony is all over anything that walks and has a crevice between its legs

*Under the age of 14.


"My vagina!"

I'll listen to something else when she invades the studio. Terrible...

All she's missing is a shmata, head-scarf, and a bundle of sticks on her back.

If this dumb cunt has not recently had a lobotomy than she's literally retarded.

Do you think it would feel good to fuck a lobotomy hole?

you mean a nose?

I don't know. I am not a fucking scientist.

It's all she has to offer.

If you consider her a 6 you have very very low standards. She is a soft 4 at best.

Its her Rican biological clock she is past her teens and doesn`t have five kids yet she is looking to fuck anything and make it stick

She isn't even a 6 in Buffalo let alone Manhattan.

How about Scranton?

In Scranton if doesn't have herpes she is 7

A 6? I would rather fuck the Selena shirt.

Hahahaha. So mean, yet so funny.

Thanks kid! Stick around there's plenty more where that came from.

I'd rather fuck Selena's corpse before fucking that frump frizzy haired twat.

anything for Selenass

shes been getting fatter since shes been on the show. Maybe stop sucking dick and start riding it ya cow

Really? That doesn't turn me on at all

I'd rather a young Marion in the snow, a young Di in an abandoned housing complex, or a young Bobo in the honeymoon suite at the Queens Motor Inn.

She's a 2

Ah, the Queens Motor Inn.

Where the hell are you living if that mess is a 6?


The Midwest

Can't confirm. In Kansas City she'd be a 4, at best.

She has retard face

I thought this addled cock-craving cunt must have been at least mildly attractive after the way the show talked her up.

What a grotesque, swollen beast. She's got potential to be a female Roland, both in appearance and the fact that the only way she'll ever be sexually harassed is if someone films her taking a shit for a joke

She's a frumpy 4. If being a promiscuous slit is all she has to offer, keep her the fuck away from a live mic.


I'd take a bj from a solid 2. Use your imagination, faggot.

a 6?! jesus christ man...

dammit! I had an image in my head of a 6, you showed me that!

Also, I'm saying she'll be lesbo by early 30s, I'm calling this one early.

That's a 6?

She's a 4 at very best.

And by her mid 30s she's going to be an obese -4

Who in the hell is this homely fucking can-kicker?

You forgot the decimal point

This is more Sam 'stick to the formula' bullshit. "Interns = funny."

She's awful and annoying. Only SHE could make "talking about sucking dick" unappealing to listen to.

She has never been anywhere close to a 6. Huge wide face, terrible frizzy hair, dirty mulatto skin, dead bug eyes and a shitty going-nowhere body. She's a 4 and knows it, hence why she's so desperate with her "I suck dick" nonsense. She's so fucking hate-able.

6? 3.5

She's also wearing the obligatory "my cooter smells like a bag of pennies for a week" t-shirt, too. Who doesn't get all horned up from that?

She looks like a child character in a racially diverse Disney movie

4 is over generous. In surprised she's not fucking Sam for airtime

A six when you've shotgunned two boxes of wine and shot yourself up with heroin. An Artie Lange six, basically.

God damn, they really are going all in this ugly bore fest of a beast. Jimmys throwing subtle jabs at opie for being a hack but god damn does the show come to a screeching halt when they give this benign tumor of a twat air time. "I suck a lot of cocks", ok... "I'll suck your cock", alright... Do these motherfuckers think she's comedy gold for the show???

It could still be a fun break

you can tell she's just another soulless young woman caught up in NYC. At least she knows the only thing she has to offer is blowjobs and shallow friendships.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, you actually called it a 6.

You better be some bizzarro human who rates on scale of 1 to 100.

I'd ratha fuhk the clock on the wall than her or somethin

Thats a 6 on Patrice's scale of 1-30 right?


I honestly thought it was Lady Di from the thumbnail.

I have to be hammered just to look at that picture

You spelled 2 wrong.

Oh yuck. She looked less bad in her first picture.
How old are Jim and Sam that they think a girl talking sex is outta the ordinary?

Breaks down crying at her own birthday party, for the lack of male attention, unfucked.

you mean a nose?

"My vagina!"