Why has Jim Norton stopped saying "Faggot"

26  2017-08-04 by I-take-beast-shits

...and when did he stop doing this?

My favorite part of his delivery on the air and in stand-up was his perfect placement of the word faggot for added emphasis.

I really miss that crutch, it was very well done by mister norton


Why has Jim Norton stopped saying "Faggot"

... because he is one!

Oh, yeh...

If I became a nigger I'd say the n word even more

wait, you're white?

Awww hells ya

blue eyed devil

Blue eyed

I would say it more too, at you

We are now in the era of "woke Jim".

He's trying to be LGBTQ Friendly Jim by talking earnestly about his respect for transgenders. So faggot had to go too. I guess he thinks Huffpo or Buzzfeed or Teen Vogue is going to fawn over him for standing up against toxic masculinity or some shiznit.

He's trying to be LGBTQ Friendly Jim

No, he's trying to be Having A Job Jim, by not getting fired for saying something that is retarded for a paid broadcaster to say.

Faggot is a small part of the general Woke Jim, as MalcolmXInTheMiddle put it. The old Jim would have shit all over this fag.

He's going to eventually be as annoying as Race Crime Twitter Anthony.

Nigger lover.

Fantastic. I love my cuck lifestyle.

buried dat cocksucka


Nobody is disagreeing with you. But part of this is absolutely Ant's firing. Jim loves Anthony with the roaring warmth of a toasty campfire. He sees him screaming in his basement with Joe Curry and and today's guest Joe Piscipo. He doesn't want to be that.

Jim is a needy little homo who craves validation, but I don't blame him for not wanting to lose employment with the only company in the world he could work at, even if he has to do yasss queen bullshit.

It's not a coincidence only podcasts will say this word now, because they don't have anyone to fire them.

Faggots can say faggot

I doubt it, pretty sure he has realized that his chances in (((Hollywood))) are long gone.

I thought it was because he was an abomination of an actor

If acting talent applied to movie roles, why did Amy Schumer get so many?

The same reason Dane Cook did. They think they can make a buck off her name recognition... but we're destroying that aren't we.

Wrong, it's because she is Jewish and politically connected.

Mel Gibson still manages to find work and Hollywood is filled with Jewish service workers wearing trucker hats and flair dying to get into the industry. It's all about whether they think they can make money off of you...which kinda proves your point. Oh, well.

Only took a decade of him making successfully directing movies independently.

He screamed about his hatred for multiple races and gay people on tape when the celebrity media was more focused and centralized. He then threatened to rape and murder his wife in front of their son on another set of tapes that made it's way to the public.

He's doing okay.

What part of independent did you not understand?

I'm sorry, do you think that "independent" means he's funding these movies with his personal bank accounts and distributing them by selling them out of his car? He still releases movies in partnership with Lionsgate, Columbia, Fox etc.

He's over 60, so he's no longer a leading man. Unless he wants to do small, personal movies or play a crooked business man in a comic book movie, Expendables 3 bit parts are where he belongs as an actor at this point. Or he could give himself roles, which he appears to be doing over the next couple of years.

He's making movies independently from Hollywood you fucking jackass.

...except when they give him acting roles and distribute his movies....

they are all independent studios you dumb fucking nigger

I understand what you are trying to say. That's not what the original argument was about and you are dying on a hill for semantics.

Very few Hollywood giants of yesteryear can get a movie made at one the few major studios. He is not alone in this and it does not mean he is blackballed in some way as you originally implied or that he had to "prove himself." He has consistently found distribution and partnerships with companies like Lionsgate, Fox, Columbia etc. because he has continued to be a cash cow, despite his public image. The Hollywood elite continue to award with him with Oscars for his work. I'm also not sure who produced the Expendables movies, but I'm guessing it's not Troma.

So, my point--that Mel is still a large part of Hollywood despite his on-record antisemitism because he pulls in dollars--stands. Your shitty "yeah, but he just does 'independent' stuff" argument fucking sucks.

Nigger signing off.

Doesn't change my original statement that Amy Schumer only got roles because she is a politically connected jew, nigger.

She got roles because her Comedy Central show did well, regardless of how it much it sucked, Trainwreck was a hit, regardless of how much it sucked, and she is a brand now: "Frumpy, confident SUPER funny. The young chicks and their spinster aunts all love her!"

They tried to ride a wave, the people said "no" and she already lost the Barbie movie. It's all based on money, so you can play that angle if you're stuck on the Jew hate.

He could have fucked 50 different people's kids while high on febreeze for all the studios cared. His movies made bank. It was the shit talk about the jews that got him banned from starring or producing any studio films.

Mel Gibson has talent. Not even Jews could ignore him forever.

He even got AIDS in solidarity with the fag community.

He spouts da n word any chance he gets!

Chip referred to Jim as a "peckah suckin' faaaaag" during one of the more recent podcasts. It was delightful.

If you listen to WNEW and early XM days "faggot" was essentially a verbal filler for jimmy.

I think it goes beyond just the word faggot to be honest. He used to be way more aggressive in the old XM days in general.

You see, when Jim says "faggot" he does it with a character

OP misses when Jim Norton have him a nod.

My favorite insult is the word "faggot". Funny because I actually hate faggots.

Cuz you are one

That's always the argument, "you hate faggots cuz you are one" lol, you queers and your mental gymnastics.

Got ya, ya long winded fag

Oh wow so troled XD!

The reason people tend to come to it is because when you step back and look at the situation, you have no literal reason to care. It would suck if you had a son that couldn't pass on your mediocre DNA, but no one is tackling you in the street and forcing a dick into your mouth.

That you think about it enough to have strong feelings either way is what signals your secret burning faggotry.

I just love to gloat about the hellfire that awaits them, it will await you to as you condone their faggotry. Get right with the Lord or prepare for Satan's big thorny cock in the afterlife.

Oy, I thought you were just joshing for the first sentence. You really believe in Hell?


Oy? British faggot pedo confirmed.

It's remarkable how quickly you hurl those accusations at others. As if faggots and pedos are right at the forefront of your mind. Interesting....

It's "interesting" how faggots are so easily baited.

Yes. It was all just trolling. That's what you were doing.

DM me for some hot cock pics.

Lol, keep going.

DM sent

Me too, keep hitting refresh.

People fuck kids too, should I not care cuz it doesn't affect me? Because most faggots are kid fuckers as well, that's the main reason I hate them. I guess if you hate pedos then you're secretly a pedo, right? Do you have strong feelings against pedophilia? If so, then you think about fucking kids all the time, thus you are a pedophile. That's your logic. Idiot.

Well, one of us certainly thinks enough about pedophilia that they had to make an entirely separate post just to make the same point about it again.

The fact that you take anything said on this sub seriously confirms you're a massive retard.

Like panicking when someone named FartBoxExpress accuses you of being in the closet?

And he keeps going! 😂

You're a grown man, don't use emojis faggot.

How do you know?

I went to the live show in Montreal and there was a transgender girl waiting backstage for him. Later in the day, my girlfriend and I saw him walking through the festival hand-in-hand with her. It's obviously more than a bit at this point. I think he just doesn't want to offend anyone from the community.

i don't believe this

It's true. They also tried to shoplifting candy bars after the show. But they were stopped and made the clerk scan them one by one.

Because of the electrical infetterence?

I believe so.

I figured this would be the case. It happened. He was walking down the main strip with her and Jonny Branmuffins. Wasn't trying to hide it at all.

If you're loyin then he's a fag and if you're telling the truth, Jim is.

I like the ways people react to slurs. Nigger for an example came from negro which just means black. It got a slur categorization because it became a put down in the slave times. Faggot is a bundle of sticks they would use to set a gay on fire back in the day.. also why the queers are called flamers

Shutup nigger faggot

I's jus tryna hep

This is the proper response to this well formed post. I hope the pendulumn swings in your direction

Actually that faggot story is ccomplete bullsugar, color me surprised!

If you're talking about me.. go fuck yourself. A fag is a stick, a Faggot is a bundle of sticks. A cigarette is still called a fag today in the UK.

I believe I heard somewhere that the reason faggot became associated with gays is because the boy who would volunteer to collect bundles of wood for the local priest/boy touched and consequently get buggered by him would be called a faggot for voluntarily going along with this arrangement.


He said it in his last special.

The same reason why he had all mirrors banned from the studio...

DiPaplo is like the radio "the Alamo" of the word faggot.

Jim thinks he's part of the entertainment in crowd because he accidentally fucked a tranny 25 years go.


its not really that funny a word anymore. same reason he stopped saying cuck. you meatheads overused it.

The funniest instance of Jim saying "faggot" was when they were grilling Erock about his heroes list. Ant read off "Bill Patterson" off of his list, and Jimmy yelled "FAAAAAGGOT!".

To be fair, outside the context of this sub, I feel weird saying or writing it these days.

Awww hells ya

Only took a decade of him making successfully directing movies independently.

Mel Gibson has talent. Not even Jews could ignore him forever.