Do you hate Sam Roberts?

1  2017-08-04 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Just bear in mind that there are other "grown ups" who post on this sub who also like wrestling.

I'm pretty sure if you kill the head faggot the rest die out though so I suppose you don't need specific names such as /u/aprosbro.




His love of naked oiled up wrestlers is a mild annoyance, there's a lot more wrong with that snarky neanderthal.

The show should have been Jim & Luis.

I think Luis probably would have dragged an overt Opie bashing out of Middle-of-the-Road-Jim.

Jim and Fez maybe..

Sam has served a purpose in the past, now he's just an annoyance. If I'm honest, I almost enjoyed a couple interviews on his solo show, but then I heard him call our Lord Denny a 'turd', now I'm coming for that boy, he needs to be corrected.

He needs to get his wig split!

Nobody would ever want a wig in that fashion. Wigs don't come in Justin Guarini with sickle cell by request.

Shutup queer

You sure showed me, big tough totally straight man.

I used to like Sam when he was just a back ground smart ass. Do not like Sam at all co-hosting a show that is meant to be funny and entertaining. Absolutely hate him on Chippah's podacast.

100 times yess!

I hate when he's on Chip's podacast.

He's Opie 2.

I don't watch wrestling but I don't begrudge adults who do, if they acknowledge that it's stupid.

I hate Sam not specifically because he likes wrestling but because he basically has the personality of a 5 year old. The wrestling is a symptom. He's truly a manbaby in every sense of the world.

People criticize his lack of talent (which is deserved) but even if he were an incredible broadcaster I would still hate him for his eating habits, cheapskateness, and overall juvenility.