Video of Ant confirming his big book project

19  2017-08-04 by porsalin


I'm surprised Irvine Welsh gave up the rights to author another sequel to Transpotting.

Foreword written by Jim Norton


He'd have to self publish. If Milo can't keep a book deal Anthony definitely can't.

Well, Ant has the benefit of being completely irrelevant. So maybe no one will notice.

If that face doesn't say "author," I don't know what does.

Anthony Cumia: Lightning rod conductor.

Tranthony is really starting to sound like an old man. Even though he has looked like a ghoul for decades, at least he had a good voice. He doesn't even have that anymore. Sad.

Joke mug until guest force a laugh, joke mug mug mug

Joke mug until guest force a laugh, joke mug mug mug

It's amazing to me how low the bar of intelligence can go where people still feel confident posting here.

Maybe it's that one comma which highlights the lack of any others that makes you look even more stupid than every single one of your other gay posts. Who knows?

Wouldnt that be more an indictment of this sub than my intelligence? I'm sorry super ant fan #1, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I criticized phony laugh cream cheese man and his wind up chatter teeth.

Yeah, I'm an Ant fan. Everyone knows that.

Jesus, dummy. Take your medicine and try again.

I have no concept of you as a poster here. Sorry.

You thought I was defending Anthony rather than highlighting your idiocy. You clearly also have no concept of understanding any comments, you utter mongoloid.

There's something especially embarrassing about being annihilated for all to see and still feel the gay compulsion to try to comment back like everyone doesn't see you for the massive faggot that you are.

I pity you.

I'm not going to go read your comments dude.

Oh well I guess you win then. I'm a faggot and you're the badass who just happens to be an idiot and a wrestling fan.

SPOILER: You already did read it many times as it's top comment on this post and you keep trying to defend your idiocy with unrelenting levels of further stupidness.

Why not just give up when you have the chance to retain even a small amount of dignity?

I think I finally understand why people delete accounts.

Yeah wrestling is good, it's fun. Anyway, dont delete your account. You made this thread? I didn't notice. Good for you bud.

A good way to tell people you didn't notice something is to tell them you didn't notice it.

We've all learned something today.

No I didn't make the thread, you utter cretin. How do you even function?

I dont know man I dont pay a ton of attention to reddit if you couldnt tell. I just hit 'new.' I honestly dont even know what bug you have up your ass.

Nailed me. You win.

Cool, thanks.


Just sort by "best" you fucking heathen.

The reddit merit system is for weak headed participation trophy holders.

Once again you prove yourself a moron incapable of understanding an obvious point.

It is nothing to do with popularity; it's simply me pointing out from huge, embarrassing amounts of evidence that you are trying to be a funny person and you are simply not suitable for that role.

Don't worry about it. You're a quality candidate for the "grown up" who likes wrestling position, I'm sure we can get you an interview.

You actually sound a lot like brother joe. You do that breitbart comments section thing where you respond like you're answering questions that werent asked. I'm not trying to be funny.

Good one. You're funny despite "not trying to be".

I'll leave it there though so your comment has ample opportunity to get popular.

I thought I was being more mean to Ant than funny.

Okay I'm a faggot about grammar, but Jesus Christ are you a fucking dork. Please get AIDS.

Your own personality and post-history are hilarious enough on their own without me needing to batter you in writing.

Lol oh no he looked into my history!! How embarrassing!! Hang yourself, lonely nerd.

You're right.

It isn't at all embarrassing to post in a subreddit called HighMileageHoles especially with comments that are worthy of pushing ahead with a long planned suicide.

Oh goodness. I hope no one finds out I use the internet for pornography...

Keep going, you're killing.

The old man and the sea cucumber in his asshole

Homo's Odyssey

Wasn't it written in the 1920s under a pseudonym?

wow! In a years time he will have written more books than he's read

Tran Stroker's Dracula.

Mein Kampf 2: Electric jigaboo

Chapter one. Gonna lectric shock oj

How a Long Island piece of Trash grew up to be Long Island Human Garbage: The Anthony Cumia Story

'Gaming in your 50's'

Damn he looks like an older more weather beaten vesion of Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks in this video.

All three of these guys have become such self-important douches, what happened? Why didn't they write a book when they were actually relevant?

When the fuck were these retards ever relevant?

Anyone who buys this book (which will never be completed) should be sterilized.

Fun Fact: Hosp, the gay Sean Connery won the micro-penis challenge on the Howard Stern show

I bought both of Jims books before i ever heard the show back when I worked at Barnes and Nobles and they were both in the bargain table for like $3.95. I bought Gavins book, too. Long before any of this shit with the Proud Boys and all that, when I just knew him from Red Eye. With my track record, I'll probably buy Ants retarded book too.

I highly doubt Anthony's book will be in books stories.

Probably some self published shit you can through Compound Media's website exclusively.

What publisher would invest in this downward spiral?

I don't think anyone that buys this book has much of a chance of reproducing.

Adventures of Cuckleberry Finn

"Where the Fuck Is My Gun?"

Subtitled: Fuck!

Catch Her In My Eye



This all looks very low rent.

fuckin lol, that jump between the first and second pictures.

he was just a misguided boy fighting someone else's jihad.

Normally he only has one guest nobody's heard of.

"1,001 Arabian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" By Antwaan Kumiya


Not Great Expectations.

L.A. dy boy Confidential.

Pride and Extreme Prejudice.

Gay Pride and Prejudice

Oh this Brad Tackman is a fawkin' pleasure isn't he.

"Statistics that Prove I'm Right" a crime anthology and memoir by convicted woman abuser and self hating African American Anthony "Uncle Ruckus" Cumia

Table of Contents

Foreword by Keith the Cop

Chapter One: How Those People Ruined America Chapter Two: They Aren't People Chapter Three: Black on White Crime Rates (Charts and Graphs included) Chapter Four: Allegations of Racism: Fired for Speaking the Truth Chapter Five: I Wasn't Wrong Chapter Six: It Wasn't My Fault Chapter Seven: Black Violence Against Police (Charts and Graphs included) Chapter Eight: Lying Girlfriends and Subreddit Haters Chapter Nine: I Dindunuffin Chapter Ten: Poverty, Crime and Prison Statistics of the Black Community (Charts and Graphs included)

"OK for a barely literate Uncle Tom" - Chimpout

"Enjoyed the content but wish it wasn't written by a nigger" - Stormfront

"I found chapters 5, 6 & 7 very relatable" - OJ Simpson and the black community

Chapter titles have been leaked

  1. Spaghetti on the wall
  2. In the treehouse with Richard
  3. Marriage and Tin-Knocking
  4. How OJ got me a job
  5. Boston fun
  6. Howard Stern
  7. Homeless Shopping Spree, Voyeur Bus, and Sex for Sam
  8. XM and SiriusXM
  9. Those People
  10. People named Danny/Dani in my life
  11. My friendship with Daniel Kurlan

Arabian Nights Pt. 2

Notes from Under Sue

If the book cover has a picture of a bowl of spaghetti smashed on it I might buy it. He also needs to spill all on titty boy opieraqio.

'Low Expectations'

He is such a crushing bore.

Infinite Pest

Why? No really, why is he writing a book? I get that any person who ever sniffed the taint of celebrity feels the need to write a book, but come on. Why does he need a book, other than to satisfy his ego? We already know everything about him. I don't think there is a single interesting aspect of his life left that we haven't heard about many times already. I don't get it.

By the way, how is that reality show coming along?

I would read o and a history book in a fucking second

Why? The only people who would care at this point would be superfans and all of the superfans should know their entire history, considering they've been talking about it for 20 years. What is left to know?

Because a publisher offered him money. I can't wait for the book tour.

I guess I'm just shocked that there are still people out there who give a shit.

But you're one of those people...

I'm only here to watch it all burn to the ground. I don't even consider Opie or Anthony celebrities any longer. I'd rather read a book written by my dog.

Of Mice and Trans

Mein Tranth

I can barely wait to NOT buy this tome of worn out tales and outright lies.

white pride & prejudice

Will it be a Colored book.

Never Let Me Go, Sue

Just downvote me and move on with your day.

I'd read it.

Your own personality and post-history are hilarious enough on their own without me needing to batter you in writing.
