Anyone hear any updates on tough-guy Marion?

4  2017-08-04 by [deleted]

Anyone hear anything from that guy lately?


Marion just completed jump school with the 82nd airborne. She'll be shipping off to Okinawa soon, where she hopes to reunite with Rear Admiral Orbani.

I fucked her.

Only who he hates now.

Still running numbers with sunny black

Unlike Opie she knew when to bow out after the double act imploded

No you're a guy.

Turn around is fair play.

She's on a cwooz sship

She's been exercising, & it shows!

Probably knew to leave when Chip started ripping off her act

Chip is Marion. Marion is Opie.

Same body type for sure

Same punchable muppet heads.

I look good sweetie! I don't look like some 65, 75, 85, 95, 105 year old woman, Diane.

She's moving to Florida in 11 years.