Lynsi's face when she heard Opie was begging for a job in Rochester

32  2017-08-04 by Donaldcrater


She looks like that sexy gremlin without all the makeup.

Is that one of Trump's lesser children?



Goddamn that's got to be the product of incest. What the fuck?

What the fuck? That's my type motherhucker!

I would jizz on the five head.

Her eyebrows are like pinball flippers, aim for the outside.

I imagine Lynsi's face is either grinning stupidly or gleefully wrapped around Bam's sweaty skateboarder cock.

In other words, she doesn't give a fuck what her swollen mammary-dragging dunce of a husband is doing, she basically is getting everything she wanted since day one-- half his former wealth and whatever he makes for the rest of his (hopefully short) life.

She's ecstatic that she doesn't have to wait decades to fully cash in. It's like stumbling upon a big titted, lactating lottery ticket sticking out of a garbage can.

Don't think she's looking forward to giving up Manhattan life ha? Shows what you know. Rochester has a five star rated bowling alley.

And Terry Clifford...

That face is so unsettling to look at. She's so fucking ugly but I can't explain why.

I've been thinking about this whilst angrily masturbating and I think I've got it.

It's because she has really thick, lustrous hair that is typical of well-to-do types but also has the face of a meth-head 9.5.

The face looks more ugly because it doesn't match the inherent quality of the other genes.

TLDR posh girl hair, mutant face.

It's the eye brows. That's literally it. The most disastrous eye brows in human history.

Could it have something to do with the mutant gypsy moths that have taken refuge above her eyes?

She's good looking enough to fuck but still ugly enough to want to kill myself afterwards


So just like her last boyfriend

Ant_Sucks KILLIN' it for us today!

Her looks are unbalanced the dolphin forehead,facial features are too small for her head except for those mustaches over her eyes. if she was a guy with same features no chick would fuck him except cousins.on the up side she does have nice set of heavy hangers

Somebody killed themselves for that? Ha! Noob.


Just thinnin the heard brotherman.

I'd like to fuck those slug eyebrows off her cunt face.

You're a man who knows what he wants.

I'd like to slug those cunt eyebrows off her fuck face.

Like she simultaneoualy smelled a fart from skunks asshole & was told she might have cancer.

Looks like that chick from Suicide Squad if she sucked on lemons

I'll give her a lemon to suck on.

Hint: It's my peckah.

With those eyebrows, imagine what her fart bush looks like!

Who dis bitch?

Her face looks like a witch put a curse on a hot chick.


I'd have intercourse with her