A.V. Club employs faggots 2/30

26  2017-08-04 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Are they wrong?


Every comment you make is gay. Every single one.

He watches wrestling that says it all.

Johnny historian over here.

Whitewashing implies intentional minimalizing of minorities. No carribian british blacks in the merchant marine were in the area

She continues, “It also ignores the fact that by 1938, lascars—mostly from South Asia and East Africa—counted for one of four crewmen on British merchant vessels, and thus participated in large numbers in the evacuation.”

So their story should be showcased solely on the basis of their race? What if their stories weren't harrowing enough for a story? How is it whitewashing if these 4 guys were in engineering doing a boring job while a pilot continued fighting after he ran out of fuel?

Well you have to look at it in context. They've been making ww2 movies since ww2 and those movies are overwhelmingly about a version of ww2 that isn't entirely true to history- ww2 is maybe the last really mythologized event in world history and one of the many things that mythology redacts is the role of non whites and women. So I dont think that there's a racial conspiracy here but just because there's no maliciousness of intent doesnt excuse it from criticism. And I'd say its unavoidable 'in our context' but actually doing a feminist criticism (feminist here in the critical sense so applying to any minority) is going on 50 years of existence.

No one here gives a shit

They're the ones bitching about it it seems like they cared.

So 25% of all crewmen were black? No, fuck off.

East African and South Asian. Seems plausible that the labor in the merchant navy would have minority immigrants.

someone had to get off the boat first. why not the darker skinned kind? how else would GDP be kept high?

i truly feel for any country that has no brothers in their army

Why can't white people have anything ?

If they had a black guy helping they would accuse it of tokenism. They would only be happy if the movie was about a ragtag group of black women who rescued 1000 white men.

(((They))) want everything so they will pose as a group like blacks or gays and cry and cry about evil white men (pssst , they are fucking white) and then control eberything with low wages for the brown people and slowly kill off white folk. easy for (((them))) to run the place w low iq pop and no smart white men to want to take their shit back.

cancer on the earth.

Great article! The author of this read my mind. I keep waiting for Hollywood to start offering more diverse perspectives.

"But what about the 35 Indians that helped?" - Utter And Complete Faggots

When the French army showed up in the movie there were a few blacks there.

Thats not enough all of them have to be black!!!


"it’s the responsibility of storytellers to embrace not just the concept of diversity but also the reality of it." Fucking Ewwww.


Then make your own fucking movie assholes

I saw Dunkirk and like everything in my life, I pay attention to how many black people there are. I noticed Dunkirk didn't have a lot of black actors which made me uncomfortable, so I assumed blacks historically don't care about fighting for their country. I came to the conclusion that black people hate America and aren't any help in combat. Thanks Dunkirk. (By the way, I'm a liberal and hating America and war are two important values to me.)

Do I even need to read it? I can see it's about Dunkirk, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's some insecure racist cunt complaining about white people again. ohhh god what are we gonna do?

"Christopher Nolan, are you racist?"


Gallagher was pretty funny in that interview. Sounds like Fez.

Jews are white

get the fuck out

Absolutely disgusting

Aren't those SJW faggots more racist than the people who are insensitive to race? If you're insensitive you don't find race important enough to walk on eggshells and not finding race important is what these cunts want right? Seems to me making a big deal out of "not enough nationalities and/or colors" is racist in its insistence. You are not your race, it has literally nothing to do with you as a person (I feel like MLK in Selma saying that here) so why do they identify with it? That's more racist to me.

Oh I don't know gang the whole world's gone topsy turvy!

a less then 2 hour chaotic and sometimes confusing movie is supposed to what, stop and thank the indians? is that before or after they sacrifice the frog?