Browsing the Yankees Reddit and this happens

72  2017-08-04 by dflorio


We heard you!

Tssss whatre ya a buncha shepherd dogs or sumptin

Post it again, ass!

if i knew anything about baseball, boy i'd be laughing!

That made me literally lol

Not sure what is more embarrassing, you posted the same thing with two different titles. Or the fact you're too stupid to figure out how to delete one.

classic club soda kenny.

baseball reddit is extremely gay

All of reddit is gay. This sub is no exception.

Everybody that didn't have a heart attack and die before 2007 is gay. Just suck a cock and shut up.

Spoken like a fag that posts in squaredcircle.

Clearly you know nothing about comedy. I post in r/The_Donald too, yet no Trump jokes? Fucking Nazi.

So you're admitting to being twice the faggot I assumed you are. Good to know.

How ya doin?

that sub is terrible. Had to JAZZ IT UP

I wish he would do more hindsight reports.

Tssss whatre ya a buncha shepherd dogs or sumptin