Lena Dunham Calls Out American Airlines Flight Attendants for Transphobic Talk, fights them underwater, leads juror rebellion at trial

14  2017-08-03 by hoohootellemkeith


She is not very easy on the eyes.

... or the floorboards

... or the fridge

I just hope this lady never puts Sam Hyde in a self defense situation.


Did a flight attendant ask Lena Dunham if she put the seat down as she was exiting the first class bathroom?

it sounds like they're calling bullshit on her by saying they didn't even have a flight in the area at the time.

I don't know how airline attendants get paid. But if they don't get put on the clock until they step foot on the plane, wouldn't that just be like walking to work and someone overhearing you? Like if you were walking to work and said "I hate niggers", somebody couldn't meet with your boss and ask for your termination.

I know a flight attendant, they get paid by the flight like a contractor. Othertimes they just put them on standby and have them waiting around the airport until some flight needs them and off they go.

Pretty much the entire time they have the uniform on they're on the clock, especially walking through the airport. These ladies fucked up.

They don't exist and if you are a person that cares, then call them on it, get their name then report them

People would and do ask for people to be fired by what they don on their off time. Like this sub with Brother Joe.

I know, but you don't have much of a case in most incidents. Joe was different because he wasn't an employee of the bar, he was an independent contractor doing a concert for 2 hours.

My statement still applies, you're arguing semantics. This sub went after every gig Joe had.


We didn't go after enough.

That day lazy fuck is still getting gigs and it's sickening.

I'm all-in with having less classically attractive people on television (we got free porn now), but lets pick those with something more interesting / less vacuous to say.

"Our employees." Athletes/entertainers are truly the luckiest people in the world because they get paid so much money without the responsibility/investment required of employers or businesses. Now they want employers to be responsible for inculcated values for thousands of employees all over the country ? How has that level of corporate invasiveness become condoned by the left ?

Did her face age 20 years in a week? Jesus Christ.


Day drinking, crying, and staring at Trumps Twitter on your iPhone will do that to ya.

'Our employees', I had no idea Lena Dunham owns American Airlines.

'Our employees', I had no idea Lena Dunham owns American Airlines.

Such a revealing phrase. She's basically saying "the peasants need to get woke".

bitch is lying again

Basically, "look at me and how woke I am! I'm standing for social justice! I'm so amazing!!!".

Almost everyone else on earth would either ignore this, or privately contact American Airlines. Instead, Lena Dunham decides that everyone needs to see how great she is and put the company on blast.

Oh come on, that's a total mischaracterization and you know it.

No way in the fuck was she standing.

She actually provided DETAILED INFORMATION of where she evesdropped to these people's employers?!? Fucking entitled Nazi cow.

This is such a gross trend.

There is no way for her to prove this actually happened. Guessing there is a 90% chance she made this up for attention. These are the only kinds of headlines that she is going to be getting now. She is never going to get big roles on movies and tv shows. Only reason she was the lead on Girls was because she created the show.

I'm such an ally instead of confronting these women in person and creating change through conflict I decided to make it all about myself with the bonus double result that they'll never hear about it and it's juxtaposed to my ho hum first world misery wank about delayed flights.

It's a goddamn shame her airplane didn't crash into a mountain.

Hey now, there may have been a trans teen on that airplane!

if you're that mad about it just kill yourself already, cunt

this is after she complained about her seating. i'm sure the two things have nothing in common.

God dam this bitch craves attention. What a miserable train wreck of a human being.

So much that she's gonna get a couple bag handlers fired.

NEVER trust ANYTHING a person with a poorly-rendered and half-finished tattoo says, as their personal judgement is obviously faulty. This never happened, Flubsy Dunhams just made it up for attention. Nobody cares about "trans kids", there are like maybe a dozen of them in the entire world at any given time anyway.

I'm sure this conversation she overheard is 100% true and wasn't fabricated in any way what so ever.

She has a solid track record of always telling the truth after all...

What people do when their flight gets delayed for 4 hrs Normal person: get annoyed of waiting Lena Dunham: eavesdrops on people in hope of hearing morally incriminating stuff

Oh Lena, I bet you were also that douchebag in class who'd remind the teacher of homework.

Is that a tattoo of a bruise

This revolting, virtue-signaling flatso may be the greatest walking advertisement for birth control the world has ever seen.


My statement still applies, you're arguing semantics. This sub went after every gig Joe had.