Troy is talking about his girlfriends death on the show for the first time "I wish i didn't do it" his words

10  2017-08-03 by Dennyislife


This is riveting radio... "The water looked deep from where we were, I had no idea it was a puddle"

No way, that'd be some Wile E. Coyote shit.

He talked about it on YKWD. The story is very weird TBH. He supposedly laid with his girlfriend as she was dying. He didn't call the mom though so they could have a final moment?

Yeah but he's never talked about it on the radio before. Talked about being suicidal etc.

Wasn't calling you wrong, was just sharing that fact. Only sending out positive energy out, brothaman


good job man, keep it up!

I wonder how much he paid that artist to paint the rocks to look like water?

I've been to that location many times, it's one of the only "cool places" in this godforsaken area, and let me tell you... NONE of those little puddles are ever deeper than a foot. You pass them on your way up and its painfully, or should I say, deadly obvious.

This does not compute.