Sam's contributions to the Montreal shows: My room sucked/Troy's was nice! and "hehehehehehehehe" Sam's contributions post-Montreal: My room sucked! I also saw literally one show because it was by Dairy Queen

92  2017-08-03 by RamonFrunkis

He really, truly is Opie Junior. Your company paid for you to go to another country to attend one of the most famous comedy shows in the world, presumably so you could make some contacts to hopefully bring in fresh talent for your show. Instead, you proudly proclaim you did LITERALLY NOTHING in Montreal, are SHOCKED that your staff members paid for rub and tugs, and the extent of your cultural exploration is going to a shit third rate fast food joint.

Actually, I take it back. Opie at least seemed interested in getting new comics on the show. Sam wanted to sit in his shitty room, eating shitty food, watching videos of past WrestleManias. He thinks he's the show's heel, he's really just an uninteresting, irritating cunt.


Sam is more invested in ensuring his ongoing livelihood seemingly through wrasslin' than the show itself. His time and energy 100% revolves around strong men soap operas.

It's actually kind of sad. Sam is younger than O&A were when they started working together yet once he got his own show it really does look like he's given up and he's never nor will he ever given the current state of radio make the sort of f*** you money they did. O&A bullshitted and did no prep in the later years because they were extremely jaded and lazy and hated each other and could barely get away with it. It took Sam less than a year to get to the same point but he's not producing nearly the same level of quality.

This raises the same question that Opie should have asked. What exactly else can you do that's going to pay nearly as well or be nearly as cushy a place to work? Terrestrial radio is a no, podcasting is a no, etc. He's delusional if he thinks wrestling is going to be a viable long term full time option. SiriusXM can turn on a dime and I wouldn't be surprised if Sam's years of groveling and ingratiation is suddenly negated by something or nothing at all. Anyone like Sam should be doing everything in their power to not f*** it up because he really has no other options.

It took Sam less than a year to get to the same point but he's not producing nearly the same level of quality.

Sam should be scared at Opie's options now after he got fired. His show with Jim is temporary. We all know that. He better start getting some talent and connections fast. Otherwise he's going off a cliff when the show ends.

Even when he does WWE every fan mentioning his name on Twitter were trashing him (mostly his hair). You can downplay this to "haters" like Opie all you want. But it matters when SiriusXM isn't there to skate a 9-5 job on top of while half-assing everything.

Old, retired radio shock jocks are going to suffer in today's environment, but don't go thinking there's nothing out there besides Sirius. Sirius is a one-way signal that can't report accurate analytics to advertisers because they don't have them to report.

You know what DOES provide analytics? The internet's 2 way signal. That's why YouTube Stars can not only make a living, but actually get rich the way shock jocks used to.

The money isn't gone, it's simply shifted to an environment that hasn't been mined to death. Opie's brand of radio is commonplace and not hard to do. I mean if Bubba can do it...

If Opie was 25 instead of 75, he might be interested in learning more about the internet, YouTube, and how today's talkers are making big money.

You think Sam is appealing enough to be a You Tube star?

Days are numbered? Just shows how uninformed most people are on here. Don't talk out of your ass.

Sirius conned a lot of advertisers for a long time. Still doing it, too. You can be as belligerent as you feel you need to be, but there's a reason Sirius is scrambling to re-invent itself as a streaming internet service 10 years behind everyone else because of all the time they wasted on satellite.

I don't have a problem saying "time will tell" without being belligerent. Too bad you can't.

Well we are in this subreddit though... isn't belligerent the status quo?

Remember what Sam said when Opie got fired. "If I got fired tomorrow, I'll have a job by the end of summer. I'll be fine."

I hope he gets fired. Announces his new job then Kevin Pollock makes a call and gets him fired from that.

Once he got this show with Jim, he decided he was famous and needs to talk about how famous he is a lot. I assume mommy told him so. Same way once Bobo heard his retarded voice on air, he went from fan of the show to guy obsessed with being on air.

Great points but you're allowed to swear on this sub.

Fuck Sam.

It should be Anthony & Jim show.

Anthony and Jim would still need a host. Anthony is a second mic and Jim is a third. Bob Kelly might work in that role.

Good one.

The only reason old O&A was high quality was because of comedian guests. They had regular touring comics in who became friends. Jimmy is not really a part of the NY scene anymore. He's established, and he hangs out with other established comics. Nobody like Joe Derosa is going to pop into his circle and become a friend of the show.

Neither of the Sissies drink, so they're not out having fun and establishing relationships like O&A did.

It's not about show prep as much as it is networking. Jimmy's circle of friends keeps getting smaller. They need a new younger Jimmy to fill that role.

I think Ari would be perfect. He seems well liked among comedians, he loves NY, but he's gone half the year and he'd rather appear in an ISIS video than have a day job.

They show isn't missing an Opie or an Anthony, it's missing a Jimmy.

I hear what you're saying but I want to listen to these new comics like Ari like I want the plague. At that point it's just a new show with no ties to O&A. Jim and Sam are still milking the O&A dollar and I don't think bringing in new comics does that.

How about going to school part time and getting a masters in sociology? So he can help his people in the inner cities rise up.

It has more to do with the fact that he works two jobs. So he can't concentrate on either

I hope XM realizes that Sam has absolutely zero socializing ability and therefore cannot get new contacts for his radio show. He is a passive aggressive retard that has no ability in engaging others in conversation. He never was cut out for this job. He deliberately stayed inside his hotel room because he's just too shy and awkward to mingle with people. He's not even a kike so I don't understand why XM keeps him.

He's not even a kike so I don't understand why XM keeps him.

If you get a good look at him, you can see where they could make that mistake.

he looks like a retarded nigger

He's always been Opie Jr. but this sub keeps absolving Sam of his stupidity every time Jim throws a subtle jab at Opie. Amy Schumer could get on this sub's good side if she even gave Opie a dirty look.

Opie hate trumps all hate on here.

The fucked up thing is, it's hatred based purely on how shitty he is at radio. It's a meritocracy of revulsion.

those bitch ass jabs deserve to be mocked instead of celebrated, what kind of a bitch can keep doing that for years, either be brave and go all out or stfu

Agreed 100%.

As as evidence to support this I submit Exhibit A: The Chip Chipperson Podacast and this sub's undying love for that half assed one joke premise.

Sam's nothing like Opie. Opie would have did the same thing BUT lied like a motherfucker. I at least respect that Sam can tell us his life is boring as shit.

Take it easy take it cool, act a straight up fool

I literally can't stand how Sam tries to stretch one bit out for hours instead of just going with the show. Jim can carry himself if it came to just riffing for a show. But Sam to me keeps repeating same things to drill the same boring point home again and again. I will give one thing to the last version of the Opie show, it was funny at points cause they just riffed it and made it funny. I can't stand Sam! The show Anthony came back Jim was on fire! And Sam barely said anything cause he doesn't have a natural funny bone in is body. I loved that show. Wish it was like that constantly instead of Sam repeating the same thing about Jim liking Trans girls or paying for sex. Same stale jokes his shitty "not Sam" fans let him get away with.

He really is a student of Opie.

Breaking News: Sam Roberts is really just a young version of that uninteresting cunt Gregg Hughes.

Sam sucks. Any show he hosts is going to ear-rape the listener. Don't listen to a show hosted by Sam.

Sam steers the ship.

















Why was Sam even there? He's not a comic, he's not funny, and he still found a way to shoehorn wrestling into the motherfucking show.

But, but, he brought Virgil! Wasn't that a scream! The room full of comics just lit up when Sam made the show about himself and a washed-up wrestler!

And then when the comics realized what a horrible idea and utter disaster this was, time to attack the guest and make fun of him for being poor!!

Classic Opie!

I actually like that he whines about being treated like a dog compared to Jim. It reminds him that he's still playing second-fiddle.

I like Sam, but this is pretty accurate criticism.

Sam had a moment the other day when he tried to mock and score points off Vos for saying "knock it out the box", a perfectly fine figure of speech. As soon as he got called on it, he made the attempt to flee to the next forced topic without taking any kind of beating. Slick opie tribute, you cro-fagnon manchild.

Well we are in this subreddit though... isn't belligerent the status quo?