What an absolute faggot

185  2017-08-03 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Comedy Assassin's Creed.

It's certainly one way to hide the gay cosmetic surgery around his stupid eyes.

Tss ya like fawkin Assassin's Nickleback or sumfin'

Darth Titius - Star Wars umah.

Fawk yeah Darth Dolly Parton

Darth Doodiecam

Darth Dumb Dumb.

Wait wait wait it's like Darth sweatshirt or sumthin

Counts DooDoos

Like Shockjocker


Emperor Palpatits

Cant Solo

Cunt Noshow

Emperor Mammery

Opie-Dumb Canblowme! I don't know, I'm just riffin'. Now you go!

Luke Lie-talker

Princess Liar

Grand Loff Tarkin

Grand Sloth Tarkin

Count Doodoo


Boobie Fett

Remember when Han Solo was fired from the Millennium Falcon and Chewbacca did nothing?

And Chewy wasn't allowed back onto the Falcon until Solos son killed him and threw him off a bridge or something.

General Fartkin, Amirite?

The Cumdertaker

I like it.. I'd go with cummertaker, but yeah. That's tits.

wait wait...rest in skeet er sumpthin

The Under(the bathroom stall video)taker

I was going to call him the "Dumbdertaker" but he's somehow more of a faggot than an idiot, and that's really saying something.

This one really falls off the tongue

The Dim Reaper

The Cock Keeper

like faggot's creed er sumpthin


I Know What You Did Last Bummer

someone put a dick on him. This should be done with all his photos.

A nauseating embarrassment of a man.

Was the photo you posted put up recently? That's the same exact coat as he's wearing in the douchiest video ever.

It's not recent. Probably from around the same time as the video.

I bet Opie still has that hoodie though.

"Spread da word..."

dramatically bows head

Ugh, makes me fucking cringe every time.

He tries so fucking hard lol

This is especially funny in light of what a giant douchebag he is. Oh man. Good shit.

I wonder if Anthony and jimmy were making fun of him behind his back at this time

aaaaa that fucken head nod in the end and a second later pans the camera. Hes like 45 there? Holy fuck ugh.

Well...2009 was a vurry...special... ...year.

It's interesting to see 8 year old comments railing and goofing on him the same way people do now.

Assassin's Creep

Fawk yeah! Video game 'yuma...

Arno Borian or sumthin'.

A jedi of dulardness

This would be okay if it were the beginning of a beheading video

If only this image was cropped from a picture of ISIS hostage takers.

Why cant he do a single thing without looking like a fucking shit-dicked, murderable cunt?

It really is quite impressive just how awful he is. Even his laugh. There's always that split second delay between when someone else starts laughing and then he joins in. It's like he never acquired his own sense of self. The only time I've heard him laugh and it seemed for real is when he goes high pitched and stutters and makes a self deprecating remark that he sounds like a girl. Which he does.

No wonder he tries to hide his real laugh.

It wouldn't be him.

Ols lower half homer Simpson face having ass bitch

60 years old, he is 60 years old

How's that feel fucker?

The Unibrabomber

That deserves more recognition... it hits several different things at once.

Unabomber for insanity, bra for tits, and bomber for lack of humor. Right guys did I get it?

And he also faked a "bra bombing".

Damn it.. I was gonna say That! Lol

There something extra infuriating about seeing a zipper on a hood

I have no doubt that 16 year olds make fun of their peers that wear that. The fact that he is an old man makes it a lot worse.

You dont like sharp pieces of metal by your eyeballs?

You just know that's his favorite sweatshirt and he thinks he looks fuckin awesome in it. Look how tattered it is.

I have a pair of sweatpants like that. They're permanently stained with like six different foods and at least one type of semen. I look like a total stud in them, but I'd never leave the house wearing them

at least one type of semen

Oh good it's not just me

Only one type of semen? Come on now....

He said at least one, you try-hard, piggybacking dildo.

Geez. Put the claws away!! SOMEONE didn't get their cereal this morning 😉

you can also tell he has a matching zipper on the ass end of his acid wash jeans.

The Undertiter

The Uddertaker


Bastion Boober.

stan darsh

Oh shit, he's getting that Bill Clinton alcoholic bulb nose.

No wonder he was so nasty to lady di about her edema. He was really talking to himself.

You guys are just jelly, he could have been a model.

Millionaire Pioneer of satellite radio still has the same Douchebag hoodie from almost 10 years ago.

The main problem with this is it's NOT FUNNY. For a guy who fancies himself a "comedian," someone who does a "comedy show," he doesn't even try to be funny a lot of the time, usually going for "cool" or "edgy." He'd probably say "dat's da bit," but it's really not clear because he's such an insecure, unsufferable cunt most of the time. It's like when they smashed Bob Kelly when he got thin and did those "sexy Bobby" photos, or when Joe Piscopo tried to be the sexy muscleman comedian. I don't know what Opie is trying to present himself as. He legitimately thinks he's funny, sexy, dark, artsy, athletic, and smart. Only psychopaths tend to have that inflated a view of themselves.

Psychopaths are often extremely intelligent too though and this shit head is as dumb as a post.

The only thing we'll ever properly diagnose is his gynecomastia.

I don't know, guys. He looks kinda cool.

The Undercaker

The Centerport $750 Fyoujitiff

I believe this was right after O&A were dropped from terrestrial the 2nd time and went back to satellite full time and right before the grape fight. This wasn't a joke, Opster went full emo.

Jesus. He had more dignity as Spuds Buckley.

He wears one of these zippered hoods when he watches Lynsi get deep-dicked by a BBC

big bam cock?

I can't tell if that's a hood or if Opie just put the bottom of a hoodie over his head.


The Destroyer of Conversation

ME: I could have been a model. SNIFF

Hacker, indeed.

That bape?

hobo nose mcgillicutty

Godam that's a good one opster

This is not a self-aware man.

There is a movie going on in this guys head that none of us mere mortals will ever understand. He turned down being America's next top model, he was the Teflon Dons consigliere, he fought the corporations to save his best friends job, and he has a bodybuilders pecks.

Wouldn't want to meet that guy in a dark alley. Or a well lit one. Seriously, I don't want to meet him.

Definitely "mysterious"

The UniBOMBer

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He tries so fucking hard lol

This is especially funny in light of what a giant douchebag he is. Oh man. Good shit.

That deserves more recognition... it hits several different things at once.

Grand Sloth Tarkin