Is Di Paolo the most boring complaining old fuck ever

0  2017-08-03 by pta11

I listened to his show all he does is Talk about Trump>Liberals>Yankees>Some obscure movie from the 80s repeat.He calls liberals complaining pussies but all he does is complain about them.Who the fuck even thinks about liberals all the time.He also thinks only nerds watch Game of thrones but all the sport stars he worships all watch it.Seriously a guy in his 50s who still follows sports thats what you call a faliure in life.Its ok to watch it but actually follow it and know the rookies and the stats thats a fag.

Also all he does is talk about how great cops are.Which brings me to my theory of he must of been a loser while he was growing up because all the cool guines in his neighborhood became mobsters and they hate cops.The funny thing is he actually thinks hes a cool guy and a real man


No, that title belongs to Hoo Hoo these days.

Jesus Christ, put a space after you use punctuation you stupid nigger. Anthony's show has the exact same format and is even less funny. So, the answer to your question is no.

He's just Ant without wet brain.

Like many italians, Nick's so dark skinned that he couldn't even pass for a mulatto. He looks Pakistani if we're being honest. He started pretending to be white while secretly hoping nobody realizes that southern Italians are basically Arab.

If you do that for 30 years, it starts to change your mental processes. You have to complain about blacks and libtards on a constant basis or somebody might realizes that you're actually a clit cutter masquerading as a white person.

I just got blocked on twitter for calling Anthony a nigger

I didn't even call him a nigger and still got blocked by him and his fat nigger brother.

I love Anthony but it's my life's duty to remind him and everyone else he is not white.

fuck outta here, complaining liberal faggot.

Yeah I can't listen to the show. I like his racist banter but he really needs to look in the mirror.

hehe, hehehehe

My problem with Ant, and to a lesser degree Di Paolo, has never been their political beliefs, but their unfunny self righteousness they bring to them. Have a strong a opinion, but at least be a little self deprecating about it.

I listened to dipaolo when he was on Oand A like 10 years ago and Patrice was on it and he was still talking the same shit then as he was today.I think this guy was just bought up as a kid to talk about liberals and a love for cops.He is such a fuckin fag.He actually believes it makes a difference who the president is

Nicks funny,his callers suck.More guests less phone.

he got into a fight with a waitress who was giving him attitude and accused her of being on the left.This is what this guy thinks about when he is at a restaurant and some minimum wage cunt gives him attitude because he hates her job