Sublebrity /u/stinksskc called into Covingo and Rich and said "Eli Roberts is a nigger"

26  2017-08-03 by [deleted]



/u/stinksskc good call dude

Stinks is so bashful and modest, he won't even take credit for this. Watch him try to claim this was someone doing an impression of him.

/u/stinksskc is the best, I hope he's still alive

Rest in peace, sweet forgotten Angel!

Who the actual fuck is that shrill, irritating cunt and who the fuck gave him a microphone?

wtf is going on? who the fuck is that guy? is that the comio bum studio?

He's the smartest on the network (not that that's saying much)

If this were real it might have been mildly amusing if these queers weren't desperate for calls

If you ever use the phrase sublebrity again I'm gonna come kick the Nair off your cunt.

I think it's brilliant. I wanna go into the sublebrity big brother house!

It'll be me and Ian and that black slut who turns up here annually, and Caribbean Jimmy and braunhauser and spaceedge and we'll all get drunk and fool around and then Ian will win and get his own sub and start so doing pop up stinks shows.

me and jimmy got wasted last month. than he did all my blow and my friend got mad at him

That's Jimmy all right!

What's cocaine like? I imagine it's like having like 4 cups of coffee at once lol.


pretty much yeah

Stinks is leaving a nice legacy for his children, even if all of them have been scrambled and vacuumed out their junkie mother's slit so far.

Stinks you play the recorder like an angel.

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

Who is Eli Roberts?

We herd jews.

Why does this call of stinks sound like Dave Smith doing his shitty Luis impression.

Because it is Dave.

I heard this when it happened, but I wasn't paying that close of attention. I heard the recorder and thought it was radio shark. I've heard a few people bash Covino and Rich on their show, and the only comeback they ever have is to say the guy was waiting on hold to do that.

I don't call in to radio shows. Is there a lot of heavy lifting involved with waiting on hold? Why do idiot radio hosts think it is such a chore to sit with your phone on speaker while waiting to tell them they suck?

I know you wrote 'sublebrity' just to annoy us. It at least worked on me, you son of a bitch

Atta boy!

You guys are just fans...


If you guys want to get in on all these wacky hijinks, here's a link to the discord.

Stinks can you call into Jim and Sam and trash Sam? I would do it myself, but I'm honestly just a lazy piece of shit. I'm also not a sweet boy like you.

Fuck. I wanna hear the call but apparently the videos been deleted