Is Lyndsi Hughes actually Real?

20  2017-08-02 by Stankysnatch82

Four photos at best of this skank in the near decade that Tits married her, or is she just a New Jersey trash wannabe actress paid by Gregg to be a beard? sorta worked for Travolta for a time.

Tits shows clear signs of homosexual tendencies e.g. behavioural patterns,Tv show choices, rollerblading 'a clear sign', a large bosom.

either that or he is fiercely protective about his private life even though nothing appears to go on that interesting whilst not extending the same courtesy to others.


Those big ol retard heads had to come out of somebody's cunt

Opie is a potato farmer.

Proof he even has children?

Rogan's wife and Lynsi are both real, and they're fairly attractive. While I don't think either are beards, it's safe to say that neither of their husbands have seen them naked in years...if ever.

How do you know Lynsi is attractive. She has been locked away in Trump tower for close to a decade. She is probably monstrously obese from all the stress eating waiting for that Bam tape to release.

I doubt it, I think she's probably fucking someone on the side and Tits has just come to terms with it, like the cuckold loser that he is and always will be.

Philly skanks aren't genetically capable of remaining thin into their thirties.

She's now an upscale UWS skank. I wouldn't be surprised if all she does is workout, it certainly beats having to take care of potato and river or listening to her wife record her harry the hater videos.

Wasn't she in one of Opie's basketball Instagram videos in the background skipping rope?

It's not Trump Tower. Trump Tower is on 56th Street and 5th Avenue. She lives in Trump PLACE (which recently changed its name, I believe) on 72nd and Riverside Drive.

Does he live in Trump Tower?

Yeah there are more pics of her on his daughter's insta, I've posted them before. She's pretty fucking hot.

Her daughter is of the darker persuasion though, and doesn't much resemble her at all. Just be forewarned.

You should try see Joe Rogans wife

You learn English for she?

He forgot to take his Alpha Brain™

Heh... His wife is taller than him

Everyone is taller than him

She's not bad. But he just has to wear a fuckin ju jitsu shirt, so everyone knows... this is one bad muthafukin midget.. don't fuck around!

This is actually an interesting point, being the creeps we are we should've been able to find her social media by this point. She's a woman ffs

Who is lynsi?

That's what I've been saying NO ONES seen a pic of her since the wedding. She never showed up in one of greggs video either, not even her voice. It's very odd

How do you know Lynsi is attractive. She has been locked away in Trump tower for close to a decade. She is probably monstrously obese from all the stress eating waiting for that Bam tape to release.

Philly skanks aren't genetically capable of remaining thin into their thirties.