When the abhorrent sense of humour born of 1000s of hours of listening to O&A accidentally bleeds into real life

0  2017-08-02 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


England is a fag country.

No arguments here.

you suck at football too

Only what yanks call football.

The original I'm pretty decent.

yeah I meant football - the only one - not WWE Rugby - I am not fat retard.

you still suck at football as a country.

I am not fat retard

You said it, buddy.

I did

now lets squat and drink bear bae

Only ethnics understand that idiocy.

You should aim higher.

I piss on your mothers grave.

Fuck you and your "humour"

Oh yeah?

Well your username is all out of you minus the toreJ. Whadya think of them apples?!

Your friend thinks you're an asshole and so do I.

None of you are wrong about that.

what the fuck is vodafone

Have a guess, Vos.


I can have chip answer, not vos

Gopher it


tsss Voda Phone? Is that Yoda's brothers phone or sumptin? tsss tsss Take us out e-rock!

fawk yea! tss voda phone, whats that like a phone for vodas? tssidk dvv dvv

Fawkin clean machine!

A resultant projectile-vomiting session is your reward from the zzzzzzz

You should all play skins and naked hug each other, get it?

Fuck this post and fuck you.

O wow good one

I have some bad news about your stepdad...

Whats that

He's actually your stepmom and the one who breastfed you.

Oh boy, this might take a while.

Remember Uncle Roland?


I don't get it

That's true in relation to everything except Hepatitis.

Gopher it
