Reminder: Ari Shaffir is better than you.

0  2017-08-02 by Suibu

Nuff' said.


well he's a jew, so no

This. Being around 75% German, and a quarter Jew is about the optimal amount of Jewry that is good and healthy in a human being. Anything more than that and it becomes actively poisonous. Similar to carbon dioxide.

0% is optimal.

Nah, you need a lil bit. Just a lil bit.

jews are bad news

I know ma



He's quite amazing. I mean the guys been to whole other countries and stuff.

He does have a real smugness lately.

No. I carry a cell phone that's even older than a flip phone. I'm automatically better because I use technology shittier than his.

I still have the genital flesh I was born with (not just in terms of size) so I'm afraid that simply cannot be correct.

Christ-killing 10%-offer better than me. Good one.

Lmao what a random thing to say here. I thought I was up the cumtown guys ass but you sir take the cake

Lets fuck

Ari Shaffer sucks cow dick. People that like him are stupid fucking morons.

0% is optimal.

jews are bad news

