56  2017-08-02 by kangableezy

Why does Opie call them pop up shows? They aren't hours long. They don't have any of the elements anything that could be considered a show would have. Is he in denial that his show ended? Does he think his show just moved to his cell phone? Every time I see another one posted I just get douche chills.



he doesn't seem to understand that vlogs have been a thing for a decade now

I just don't like that he's selling it like it's still the Opie Show on Sirius.

I think it's way funnier than just dropping off the grid. By continuing to make these social media streams he legit looks like he is losing his mind and making a massive asshole of himself while doing it. Things couldn't have worked out better for this place unless one of his streams is an Isis beheading starring Gregg Hughes.

For a guy who obsessed about having a viral video for so many years you'd think he'd get it.

Let's summarize his shitty antics: He's got no offers or job. He's using his lifeline by driving up to that old hippie begging for a job. He's donzo, dead, cucked.

And he now uses the same production tools with less viewership than Sally the Soccer mom and Shaniqua at the hair salon.

Hey you leave Shaniqua alone, she works hard erday doing perms


He can't let go.

He desperately wants to prove he's still in the media, even though he's now broadcasting at the same level as /u/stinksskc

stinks puts in some effort

We both know that's not true

That's unfair to stinks

Stinks has a chyron, take that back

One has to wonder if the Ms. Hughes is documenting this for grounds for the divorce. She's got proof he's going nuts, he doesn't have proof she's bamming, I mean banging other guys.

Bam is wheeling in the half pipe into the Hughes mansion as we speak

If he is paying someone to hang out with him, its considered a show.

I thought that was considered a frat.

Thank you for reminding me that Opie was in a frat and his craziest frat story is sticking marshmallows up his own ass and dropping them on a dollhouse.

I doubt that even happened. He's a lying POS.


Tsss more like tells tssss tssss

For the bulk of his 'career' a show consisted of him doing soduku and burping, so these are shows to him.

He isn't popping up anywhere either. Doing that requires someone to fucking care who you are. Oh look it's the guy from the radio here to surprise us!

I smell "Vodcast" coming.

Anthrax (Band)ā€¸Verified account @Anthrax

Replying to @JimNorton

We can hang out, it wouldn't be weird

He's actually devaluing himself for any future employers by proving how unentertaining he is.

Wait, so he's a complete asshole to management, and he has absolutely nothing to say? PASS

He's dying a slow vury slow death,and I'm cumimg harder than ever before.

stinks puts in some effort

That's unfair to stinks

Stinks has a chyron, take that back