Opie is sticking to the 'Howard got me fired' narrative.

18  2017-08-02 by tellingstart

He must realise nobody else believes it. Some fat dude in his balcony drinking seflie even said "All I know is don't go to the bathroom when Opie is around". Is he so delusional he buys it?

He got fired because his wage, when compared to his listenership, as well as the potential costs with a HR problem didn't make the company interested in doing anything to try and keep him.



It's not a bad tact to take.

Howard has a lot of disgruntled fans and anti-fans who could gravitate towards him, especially if he lands at Compound Media and they get Artie Lange.

Unfortunately, Artie's already shot his wad with weak Howard stories and Opie doesn't seem to have much more than O&A being banned from talking about him on-air both times they worked for him (FM and SXM).

Opie could try a daily Jocktober of the current Howard show with jabs that might entertain the haters for a while, but the act would probably get old, and sad when Stern gets a cool guest. Plus, Opie would still have that radio cancer Cuban doofus stinking up the zoo.

He'd be better off actually "spinning records" and accepting a huge paycheck to talk for 10 minutes an hour (or pre-record it and have more time for rollerblading). If he wasn't so arrogant, he could probably have ended the talk show and negotiated a job at Sirius as a DJ and hitting posts while getting a salary, 401K, insurance, and tickets to Guns n Roses concerts, maaannnnn.

I don't think he has the talent to Jocktober even the current version of Howard.

/u/patbattle1, comment?

He'd be better off actually "spinning records" and accepting a huge paycheck to talk for 10 minutes an hour

I think at this point there is little chance he'll get a huge paycheck for anything. The radio industry knows he is poison. They know the best parts of him are gone now that that Jimmy and Anthony are doing their own thing. I doubt his name would be a big draw to any FM station in terms of adding listeners to any part of the day at this point. They can do better with No Name in the morning making a low salary than they would with Opie in the morning making 10 times as much.

On top of all of that what kind of DJ is he really? He doesn't have a traditional radio voice and he may not be able to hit the post at this point, assuming he ever really could. He was on a late night shift on the station where he hooked up with Anthony and traditionally the best DJ's don't end up on the late or overnight shift.

I think he ends up renting space from some podcaster who has the equipment and know how and needs the money and will provide the space and be a producer for him. Opie won't invest in buying the equipment himself and renting a studio like Anthony has unless he thinks he's going to make money and do well.

you're probably right. i was just riffinnn