Opie's "Bro-Trip" is proof that he has never had, and does not understand, male friendship.

144  2017-08-02 by Doctor_Peckhaz

Opie is the definition of a friendless loser, with no grasp of what it means to be a man. His passive aggressive behavior and woman like lack of loyalty is an obvious sign, but his live tweeting of his fag adventure proves it. Thus far he has:

1-Had multiple hours of awkward silence due to his inability to talk to another human being, which he has tried to fill by shoulder dancing to flavor of the week pop music;

2-Takes sorority girl selfies of himself drinking iced coffees through a straw, complete with that 20-something girl pose of pursing the lips like the straw is a cock [obviously without any irony, as Opie lacks the intelligence or self awareness necessary to be ironic];

3-Despite this being a male bonding event, completely refusing to let Carl smoke in the car. Instead he insists that the Cuban faggot get out of the car to smoke whilst Opie sits in his vehicle passive aggressively attempting to shame him for doing so on Twitter [not just once or twice mind you, but over 50 times by my last count]. This is the ultimate bitch move, this big breasted retard is so pussy whipped he won't even let another man (the only one who Opie could even arguably call a friend) enjoy the occasional cigarette while on a long drive; instead he forces Carl to humble himself once an hour to ask Tits to pull over, with Opie I'm sure throwing a bitch fit about it every time (as evinced by his bitchy tweeting about it).

Notice also that even though this is ostensibly Opie's car, it has the baby seats permanently installed in it. I can guarantee that the cuckoldress' vehicle is child seat free; this big tittied buffoon is such a pussy he has allowed his car (despite he having paid for it and his wife's car entirely by himself) to become the 'kid car'.

Carl may be a valueless, unfunny, obnoxious bitch, but at least he is a man. Meaning, he's actually developed a personality and knows what his interests are (shit whiskey, fatness, tobacco, sucking at radio/entertainment) and pursues them, he doesn't steal other people's interests or allow a woman to completely run his life, telling him what he can do and when. He's still a cunt, but even a failed man like him can't put up with Opie's bullshit for too much longer. I predict Tits having a tear filled solo drive home to his cuckold cage.


who the fuck would let someone smoke in their car?

What kind of fag are you? Just roll the windows down and let your buddy kill himself slowly.


It's the middle of summer. Roll the fucking windows down.


Why would I be friends with a smoker? They have zero redeeming qualities.

That is EXACTLY why I would be friends with them.

This guy gets it. Smokers are 50% more likely to know where good drugs are at, or know someone who does know where good drugs are at.

I quit two years ago and only bum off millionaires and homeless wooks.

What are you, a fucking commie? Let the man smoke goddamn it.

Agreed. Smoking on the Interstate with child seats is just asking for them to covered in ashes. Smoked for 27 years before I had kids. Smokers have no idea how bad they stink. Oh, and Opie sucks.

Naa.. fuck that. Nobody smokes in my car.


Sorry, I don't want your smoky mouth on me when you're giving me a brojob.

Carl can take a lot of shit without blocking like a bitch. I really think he's just toughing this out incase Tits gets a gig. He's probably an ok guy IRL. Too bad he's chosen Opie as his mentor and boss.

Carl's the archetype of every "Hater". Balding, bearded, fat, shit job, goofy Gap teeth, and pathetic.

Balding, bearded, fat, shit job, goofy Gap teeth, and pathetic.

You could have just said Cuban.

Thank you for outlining this trip and fueling the anger and hatred I need to crawl through another day of work and life.

This stuff is just absurd.

I think Gregg's just a stupid insecure guy. He doesn't have anything to say and has no idea how to present himself. These pop-up shows have displayed Tits trying Waaay too hard to have fun or be fun in a social setting. He doesn't know how to casually interact with anybody. He's in his mid-50's and acts like a giddy 9th grader in the cafeteria. Calling it embarrassing is an understatement, it's downright stunted and odd. Not that he doesn't deserve it for being a venomous asshole but I think we've completely underestimated just how nonexistent his social life has been all these years.

Is he gonna record dudes shitting at rest stops?

The Cuban didn't smoke before the trip.

know what else is proof of not understanding male friendship? this stupid long post. Half of us cant even read and u write a short story? fuck you grandpa

What's wrong with male bonding we got

lauren chin posts...

I'm Paul R. Nelsssshon, and I believe the foundation of a family is a mom and a daaayud.

What are some of them other kinds of male bonding?

Dick in the ass

This guys fuckin gud

Reading is overrated. Just ask Opie.

This may be the "War and Peace" of Reddit posts and change the political discourse of the nation and no one in this sub is going to read it. The fact that you write all of this about a mid-50s man you have never met is frightening sir

Well I enjoyed the post and encourage more of them.

this entire post summarized:

Opie is a faggot

tldr : Opie faggot

Is there a certain sexual preferance that you believe Greg "Opie" Huges leans towards?

Faggotry isn't a sexuality, it's a personality.

Exactly, we never said he was a gay faggot

gay and faggot

tldr: OP fag

tl;dr:tl;dr: Opie

you see i got opie has huge sweaty meat bags out of that, i guess life is perspective

You added an "ie" to that name.

more words please, that wasn't enough!

I saw this on Criminal Minds. There will be a rift in the partnership and the pack will split. Opie will take any of Carl's acts of dominance as a personal attack and lethally lash out.

May God be with you Carl, I fear he has no idea how dangerous this trip will be

And at some point the fat broad with glasses will say some sassy flirt to the black cop way out of her league and the dude from Buffy will get jealous

Didn't he also get super weirded out when Kevin Smith invited him to see a hockey game or something? Insinuated it was gay or some shit?

He says weird shit to people

I needed you that day PaintedPicture

Like what?

I got fawkin people alright. People I am close to, period.

(yet is never specific)

I'm close to the Philly Crew

The depth of analysis of Opie's fat tits on this sub is fascinating.

That's inaugural GGG All Star Champion Carl Ruiz to you

He should just be friends with WOMEN.

He's a faggot, and WOMEN ARE FAGGOTS.

Done deal.

OP and Opie are faggots

You're analyzing him way too much

As a friendless loser, I take offence

Learn to spell, faggot

I wonder how much Carl got paid to go along

I don't let anyone smoke in my car.

That comes with radio. You sacrifice everything for the gig. Especially when you have morning hours.

I love this

I just watched the King section and Carl gave a shout out to Sam's podcast. Carl rules.

He says weird shit to people

Balding, bearded, fat, shit job, goofy Gap teeth, and pathetic.

You could have just said Cuban.