Lauren was a movie director before her transition

35  2017-08-01 by dmix


I wonder who uses the N word more, transitioned Lauren or Gail Bennington?

At least Lauren never used that word with hate, but for artistic expression.

Quentin Tarantino looks like Edgar.

I don't know how or why, but Django has become my favorite movie of his. I'm not saying it's his best, but it's been his most re-watchable for me from last year and still going. They show it every Friday at midnight at the New Beverly. I hate Jamie Foxx but man this fucker grew on me.

I saw Hateful Eight in theaters and I'm not sure if I liked it as much as his other films. It was good but it felt like a formulaic Tarantino film. Like a caricature of himself.

I hope the next film he makes about the Manson family is more original and less of a rehash of Pulp Fiction style dialog in a different era.

I'm about to rewatch Kill Bill but with the full 4hr "The Whole Bloody Affair (2011)" version which apparently is edited differently and is a better version.

It was my least favorite thing he's ever done. It was really self indulgent and a "one for him" movie. No reason to shoot it in 70mm, it's almost all interiors. It was as much of a waste as PT Anderson shooting The Master in large format, makes no sense.

I liked it better the 2nd time and I don't think it's a "bad" movie or anything, but it's the least satisfying thing Ive ever seen of his.

Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are great movies. Everything after that is dogshit. Especially his SJW wet dreams he's made the past few years.

how dare he fantasize about killing Hitler. that man was a saint on earf

Now I axe you Who this nigga on that nag

She did that to herself, runnin through the bushes n shit.