"Apes created humans"

7  2017-08-01 by deanthecleanmachine

  • Jim Norton August 1, 2017

In all fairness, Sam is sounding a lot stupider than he is. A college graduate is sounding damn near retarded next to a high school drop out.

A good thing about apes: they don't bitch about their fucking breakfast.

"Yeah George. Damn banana was a pain in the ass to open this morning."

"Is twenty dollars expensive for a bushel of bananas?"

Whatever you do,Don't, Don't let Anthony see that picture.

People like to pretend that isn't true, but there's photographic evidence.

I expected Leslie Jones =[


Would expect him to be well versed in evolution, considering he does radio with the missing link.

I expected Leslie Jones =[


Whatever you do,Don't, Don't let Anthony see that picture.