shes not that bad

118  2017-08-01 by HolyDiver0913


The good ol' days before Tranpa's wig and dentures.

This was post-folicals.

That bitch got a big ass chin!!

Fuck... more chin than forehead on that one

She kinda looks like that insane woman Stanhope was common-law married to (Pogo or Bongo or some dumb some other dumb fucking hippie nickname I can't be bothered to look up)

Bingo and she's a sweetheart.



You need a warning before a home run, Chip.

Is she still in thhe looney bin?

She snorted so much coke on her birthday last year that she had a siezure, cracked her skull, and landed in a coma for a while. Now she's back home recovering, but can barely speak and is half retarded. Doug keeps her pretty well hidden now.

That's absolutely hilarious. Doug/s a good egg though.

Stanhope is an irritating retarded hippie and I never understood why everyone on this sub is in love with him.

You bite your tongue. His Johnny Depp story is the reason we have "Dassabesso"

Lets not forget the Jimmy Vs Doug fight about AA.

can I get a quick rundown on these two?

Are you lost?

In a nutshell, they both like penis.

This got downvoted because it was too ahead of its time for this sub. In a few weeks they will be kicking themselves


This is just plain glorious.

She's got a chin that's like The Tick.

Crimson chin

Dick Tracy's daughter. (From the comic strip)

It's about time this sub went all in on bullying women.

The whole cast is women. We bullied Jim,Sam,Ant,Troy,Roland,etc. Not to mention the one with the huge knockers, bams cuck.

This is the lightest teasing ever on here.

Tss she's got more chins than a Chinese phone book or sumpthin tss

1 Chin in the Chinese phone book.

Davey Havok-lookin'-ass-bitch

AFI knowing ass faggot...wait, i guess that includes me by proxy.

Cold world we live in.

One of my close friends had all the members autograph his chest amd then had them tattooed. FAGGOT.

I still think she is pretty but that is only because I have never seen her without makeup.

I'd fuck her in the mouth (I mean ant)




Somebody do a side by side of her and Dan Soder. I think Soder's a tranny. G'ON NAH.

Looks like Jay Leno fucked Dudley Dooright.

Ole ski slope chin

Bitch got a "Mac tonight" chin.

Crescent moon shaped hoe...

Hey! Don't disparage Moonman.