Black women

10  2017-08-01 by crookedmile



Maybe if these niggers worked hard they could earn the same amount but nooooo let's just play the victim and blame white people.

I was just going to say that if these women had stronger acting reels, but you went with a different angle.

I like them. Big tits and asses and no pesky fathers

The reason the don't make is much is because they tend more days off and refuse to work overtime.

Fix this sentence immediately.

Fair enough.

Ah, much better Captain Morgan.

black women practically make more due affirmative action and the fact that employers are afraid to fire them

but waaaah racism waaaah

That Serena Williams looks like she could drag a covered wagon through 19 miles of rough terrain without having to stop for food or water.

She's no grab-and-go nigger that's for sure. Has a strong back. I'd bid $100

Isn't having the poster girl wearing an iced out Rolex kind of counter productive to their measage?

I'd smang it

She also did 6 years in prison for shooting another woman in the chest over $1000. Not exactly spokeswoman material.

She's not

Go to school. Get a good job. Don't get a million tattoos. Don't fuck street thugs. Put a fucking condom on. Use birth control. Get a fucking abortion every once in a while. Tell your ignorant parents, relatives, pastors to shut the fuck up with all that shit advice they poison your minds with. Don't go to jail. Pass piss tests. Get a normal haircut. Put on a suit. Not a zoot suit. Not a rainbow colored pimp suit. A grown man suit. Don't have any baby daddies, never mind 2 or 3. Put that work in and I'm betting you will make twice as much money as the white man. I see it everyday at work. Black peoples just basically gotta show up and not fuck up and they will be promoted above you.

I have a shit ton of tattooes and show up daily in my underwear. It's great being white.

"Black women are the cornerstone of our communities, they are phenomenal, and they deserve equal pay."

What kind of racist bullshit is that? So payrates are now supposed to be equal across the fucking board? I worked overtime nearly every goddamn week last year. I didn't do that for my health; I did it because more work = more money.

Racism is the cause of every problem in the black community.

And much like Ramadan in the middle eastern oil countries, where only the ex pats work, this day will be the most productive day of the year.

It's great to have a Black actress like Tracer Ellis Ross back this up. Without her hair covering her nasty face, this bitch would never get a prime time network gig without pressure.


They are embarrassing, and they don't even know how goofy their existence is. They are all Jar Jar Binks in real life, bopping down the street like a pigeon blissfully unaware of how hilarious it is that they look and think like they do.

the only affirmative action they should take is getting my fries, & when I ask if they're in the bag, they can say "affirmative"

We had one black woman at my work - she showed up hours late almost every day and took extended lunches and made the same money everyone else did. Today would mark the amount of hours she had to work into 2017 to match the work everyone else finished in 2014.

What is this black women? I only call them beast.

Dis bitch got out of jail?

This sub has a lot of nigger shit.

Nasty dirty stinky whuooez

I have a shit ton of tattooes and show up daily in my underwear. It's great being white.