At least Lauren acknowledges the chin

43  2017-08-01 by simbad_reb


Got this off her Instagram. I'd still lick her fawkin' COOTA!

i wonder what grandad would think of her being a whooo-ore

He's 93, I doubt he does much coherent thinking these days

Kind of looks like how Edgar sounds

i dID nOt MaKE cRAp In mY pANtS

apREhl fAHhhLlLsssSsSss!!!?

I watched a clip from the podacast last week, and she literally liked confused from a fucking chip joke. Why does she take up 1/4 of the screen if she hardly talks btw?

Because autistic virgins get a kick out of seeing a girl sharing the same interest in their niche humour.

Don't you think the guys that tweet "FAWK YEAH!!!!" at her have a chance that she might respond and say how funny and clever they are, and that she'd like to meet up for a drink?

Funniest man she knows? Wait til the Chippah hears about this shit.

His chin looks like my ball bag after a game of basketball in the heat.

Lmao nice try. No one on this sub has the weight or coordination for sports.

Why are you looking at your balls that much after you played a sport

He's getting the info second-hand from his gaybros in the locker room. . .

There was almost a good joke in there. I ruined it.

I wanted to check them before I put them in my brother's mouth.

Why would she play a prank an older relative in public and humiliate them like that? What a dysfunctional, shallow, negative family.

Very rude. They're were probably making all kinds of eye contact with eachother too. Don't they know thats a sign of aggression?