Comedian Under Fire For Saying He'd Kill A Tranny On Radio

17  2017-08-01 by bonniesretardsister


Won't be seeing him no more.

He's apparently on Guy Code a lot. Those faggots probably already fired him.

Jesus that show still on?

We do already? He's in the nigger world. This won't hurt him, it'll help his prominence among other niggers that are his audience.

He's on MTV.

This article is about the only nigger I have respected in a long time. It was a heart warming read.

duval finally fucked up

at least 15 transgender people have been shot or violently killed so far in 2017, most of them women of color.

15 in 8 months!? GASP!

most of them women of color.

and i'd bet dollars to doughnuts it had more to do with their race than their gender, but again, the violence within the black community is never addressed, so lets ignore that part, and focus on the gender identity.


the black community does not accept faggot shit, no matter how much the media whines on about "diversity"

I remember in college we had this really popular reggaeton artist coming to play but people protested it because he talked about killing gay people in his songs. Apparently killing gay people is a thing in Jamaica.

they love killing gay people in Jamaica. here's a classic:

I like the message.

The enjoy burning them alive

A classic:

"Not no gay shit. None of that!"

their gender

I've seen the videos, it's not pretty, but it's not America or anywhere of importance. They're counting the brazilian trannies, and NOT the passable ones.

really reaching for oppressed straws with this shit

Ugh you probably have a point, but the fact that you sound like Anthony fucks it up.

They're not people!!!

Girls play nice.

Probably less than the per capital murder rate.

It's less than half if you take the lowest estimates of the Trans population. It's maybe a quarter if you take the estimates LGBT groups use. Gotta be victims to guilt people into supporting them.

Anyone else get happy when they read a story about that? Almost like when a circus animal gets revenge on its trainers

I'm guessing they were mostly prostitutes, probably lying about their extra pieces & ripping guys off

That's exactly what it is. Nobody sees a tranny and randomly decides to kill it. They're guys who got blown and found out they got the Jim Norton Special.

Stop resisting !

Good for Knock off kevin hart.

Kevin Hart is a knockoff Kevin Hart

Wait, I thought Black beat Tranny?

Only at Ant's house

They usually do, as is evident by the story.

I agreed with most of the shit he said, but of you're dating a chump for 4 months and can't figure it out, you need to be rooted from the gene pool. Should be able to figure "it"!out in 3-5 minutes of conversation. Plus, who waits for pussy for 4 months?

I'm pretty sure something worse than that was said every day on O&A.

Lil Duval tss what's he like small Tom Hagen or somethin

I saw my first IRL tranny today. Basically a 6'6" lurch looking motherfucker with 5 o'clock shadow and tits, dressed up like Taylor Swift barely survived fukashima. Looked about one shoe pebble away from a full nervous breakdown. I'm serious I've never seen a stranger so close to tears while absolutely nothing is going on.

I'm totally fine with anyone fucking their life over in whatever way they want. But after today, it's clear. When I'm asked by society to make special exceptions for that abomination I saw on the sidewalk... Thats where I draw the line.

Do what you want, but keep me the fuck out of it, and don't expect me to observe any gender other than male or female. Boys have penises girls have vaginas.

what special exceptions?

Shit like gender pronouns, neutral bathrooms, not calling them a mutant etc

Any form of social acceptance.

The only people that will care about this are white.

In other words, if he's that not clever, he'd kill a rich attractive tranny that managed to get by his "I'll kill the motherfucker" radar, who trolled him for this express purpose. Whilst everyone he knows says "Dude, you're a total faggot now!" This might hold everyone over until Ant's new recording partner gets released in October. It might even turn him into a beach rapist, too, for some reason.

Ant would fuck it.

Comments closed and hidden.

What a shocker.

I remember in college we had this really popular reggaeton artist coming to play but people protested it because he talked about killing gay people in his songs. Apparently killing gay people is a thing in Jamaica.

A classic:

"Not no gay shit. None of that!"