Functioning Alcoholic: Morning's are the worst

14  2017-07-31 by crookedmile

After working all weekend (40hrs), I'm up at 8:30am doing the same, but with 3 talls left (2 warm, so they're soaking in ice). It's a problem. Not the booze, but that stores here can't sell until after 9am.


you worked 40 hours in 2 days?

Didn't sleep since Friday, just put on The Office in the background and went from there. It's not really heathy, but I can take days off during the week and lie about what I got done.

Reconsider that. Apparently new science in this area shows that people can't really "catch up" on sleep. So staying up just damages the body and there's no recuperating. It's a big issue with surgeons and they're still trying to figure out how to do scheduling for them.

Well this is a fine how-do-you-do

I don't know what's more damaging, the binge drinking (which would depend on quantity anyway) or lack of sleep. I know both cause irreversible brain damage. Probably why you post here.

Probably why you post here, stupid.


I thought this sub was about secret gay hookups

2 birds.

Double entendre

Yes I do you dirty little boy.

I imagine this guy as more of a defrost the sausage patties for Mcmuffins kind of fella instead of a brain surgeon, but what do I know.

Naw, I'm more of a guy who deals with global GRC tech. I also have a bottle of Jack thanks to the punjab down the street.


Hahaha haven't heard that slur in years.

Imagine the horror as you're counting back from 10 for brain surgery and you see your surgeon shitposting here on his phone.

So you're just off-site working at home? Sounds awesome.

Okay? What the fuck do you want us to do about it?

Nothing really, just figured I'd throw it out there.

He's sharing his life with us.

I bet she's lovely.

Thats the Lady Di breakfast of champions. Soon enough you'll be sailing the open seas.

Just go down to the pub mate.

If you were functioning, you would have a cold liquor stash.

Why don't you just quit?

I'm building a house on a lake and need the money. Plus, I actually like my job. I just cram a shit-ton in a session so I can go out and do stuff.

I meant the drinking silly goose

You rascal!

Have a drink.

I will!

As someone that's been in your spot you are bordering on non functional.

And yet, I'm fully functional. Time-zones amirite??

Best of luck you you.

Dont give him my luck I need it for the lottery

I hope you win gord.

I'll be around to haunt you

soaking in ice....

Wrap 'me in a wet paper towel and put them in front of the air vent in the freezer - forced convection and evaporation will cool them quicker than just plain ice water.

Always keep an all-purpose bottle of hard liquor on hand. Preferably vodka. When you wake to pee in the middle of the night (or whenever you wake up from the blackout), hit a couple swigs off it and go back to bed. When you wake up for work the next day you'll be right in the pocket. No hangover, but not non-functioning drunk either. Start your day. You can usually make it to lunch before you'll need a maintenance drink to finish your work day. Switch it up to a beer or two. Then after work, off the races again. Rinse, repeat. Always repeat...

Here's the thing, I normally do this. But the dot heads down the block sell pints that beat the price of a 750 when you buy 2, so all I'm left with is extra resources. It's a lot of maintenance. Save the planet man.

That's why it's easier to be unemployed.

This doesn't sound that functional. How's the job, school, wife, kids?

Also, what do you drink?

Can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning

Best of luck you you.

I bet she's lovely.