Game of Thrones is for faggot D&D players

0  2017-07-31 by crookedmile

Controversial I know


As a fantasy game playing faggot I'd just like to say that they probably like the books a lot more.

Nerd alert!

fo fuck sake

the show is terrible but the actor who fucks his sister was in a good movie called : Shot Caller

That show is complete cringe. Its an adolescent's idea of "dark" and "mature". Ooooh tits and a midget swearing. So cool. Its a nerds soap opera but no one wants to call it that.

Looks like someone is so furious that he can't afford HBO that he rants about a show he doesn't watch, posing as a tough talking manly contrarian who tells it like it is

Killer line, bro.

You buried that cocksucker.

I have HBO and have never watched a second of it. Because I am not a faggot and I notice a pattern of people I hate being big fans of it.

I cast cone of silence...

Its a well made show. I wouldn't go any further than that. Kills a hour.

Show is pretty complex and certainly not my preferred genre, but it's pretty fucking great.

I can't wait till most of you kill yourselves

No you

Second. It's fantasy shit for kids

Who wants to play some dnd

For everyone here saying the show is kiddie shit, what do you concerning adult programming? Seriously asking.

Nice troll shitdick.