Big Jay Oakerson stole his entire look from crash bandicoot. Fingerless gloves✓ Long jean shorts✓ bright colored sneakers✓ spiked hair✓

258  2017-07-31 by [deleted]


More like crash bandicootah tss

(shakes almond can)


Its somewhat similar although Crash is alot better looking then Jay.......

Colin is his Dr Neo Cortex

Big Jay really does dress like a retarded juggalo burnout from 2001. It's terrible.

You gotta take 'em off every now and again.

Yeah, that's what the video said, dumbass.

SHeDd EhHpp.


Jay stole everything from Crash excepthe his BMI.

...and his likeability.

And Crash has actually made me laugh

Ah, he's one of those autistic kids who dresses like a character from something he likes to give him confidence but he just ends up looking insane

Big Jay is just a meme for faggotry and doucheness

Thought ciggies were supposed to supress the appetite.

Alcohol is calorically dense

Should have stolen his cardio routine.

Should've stolen his diet, too.

Wumpa fruit is expensive

I guess so. That must explain why those broke faggots are downvoting my comment.

Awful person

He even copied the impossibly small ankles that defy science by carrying a cartoonishly disproportionate weight atop them.

Except on the podcast out today he says he fucks with a wife beater on and won't take it off in the pool too.

this is 100% worse than sam. at least sam cant change the way his hair grows, tho he can style it different. this big faggot right here chooses to dress this way. straight extra out of a papa roach video.

easily the worst aspect about his look are the jorts. you put a decent pair of pants on that fucker he would like so much better, but that defeats the purpose of why he is dressing like that to begin with... to hide is disgusting fat body.

Sam needs to send an intern into "Tha Hood" to one of those Hair weave joints, to pick him up some of that hair relaxer that colored folks use. It's his only hope of ever looking like he isn't the product of a 'mixed marriage'.

I saw a picture of him in Montreal with a red streak in his hair. Is he like Opie in the sense that if you mock him he gets really defensive? This would explain why none of his friends have told him he looks and dresses like a complete asshole and that his gf shouldn't be on his radio show.

"Hey folks, who remembers the 90s? This fella over here in the front, I can tell he does - you got a big piece, dude?"

The fingerless gloves. OK, whatever. But the JNCO shorts. Yuck

no, not ok

Not to mention that both their heads disappear straight into their torsos.

The 90's, amirite?

Why do these arbitrary comparison posts get so many upvotes? Opie posts a video comparing Patrice to a hibachi chef and you jackanapes literally can't wait to start shitting in your hand and slinging it. Half of the dolts in this sub only know how to make a joke by comparing someone to something, and it's usually a comparison someone else invented (opie = sloth, ant = Romanian grandma). In short, you are all lazy slobs lacking humanity and deserving of slow horrible deaths. Hey guys I posted another pic of opies head on a sloth body. LOLZ

Why don't you make like a tree and kill yourself?

Thank god he didn't steal the topless part

Yeah, that's what the video said, dumbass.

SHeDd EhHpp.